Summer vacation is over and your kids are back in school, facing the threats of cyberbullying, sexting and other online safety dangers. According to a recent poll in the UK, 35% of 11- to 17-year-olds reported being bullied online and four in 10 said they had witnessed others being picked on online.
And according to a study from December 2013, 473,000 6-17 year olds visited an adult website from a PC or laptop, of which 44,000 children were aged 6-11 years old!
And what about Secret, Whisper, Tinder and all the other new anonymous messaging apps that kids are using these days? There’ve been a lot of stories recently in the media about how these apps are being used for anonymous cyberbullying…
So, there is no better time to review online safety practices and tips!
Educate yourself!
Know what is happening online, where your kids go and what they do when they are online. Learn about the possible dangers – cyberbullying, sexting, online predators, and inappropriate content. Understand how these could occur, what warning signs to watch out for, and what the possible consequences could be. Remember that sometimes familiar “frenemies” who use the Internet as a weapon, may be more threatening than strangers.
Communicate with your kids
Explain about the dangers possibly awaiting them online. Tell them they should feel free to come to you whenever they feel uncomfortable – whether they “accidentally” see inappropriate content, receive a request from a stranger or feel threatened by a bully.
Review basic online safety rules
Remind your kids of these basic online safety rules:
Avoid posting of photos online!Avoid giving out names, addresses, phone numbers, schools, banking information or other similar informationNever meet someone you only know onlineDo not share your password!Do not believe everything you read. If it’s online, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is trueAvoid “checking-in” and geo tagging
For older kids that use social networks, remind them that everything online is permanent. Screenshots, caches and other tools mean that even deleting a post or comment won’t make it go away. Tell them to pause and think through every post.
Did you get them a new laptop, tablet, or smartphone?
Here are some things you should do to keep your kids safer when online:
Dying to share those “back to school” photos on Facebook? Think again…
It’s fun to share your children’s first day of school photos for all your relatives and friends to see. But here are a few things to consider before you do so:
“Unfriendly” people may find/download your child’s picture – in order to use, abuse or even try to pursue your child. To prevent this from happening you may want to think carefully about the type of images you post — for example, posting nude images should be avoided.Someone may misappropriate your child’s picture/identity, and pass your child as someone else’s or even worse – use their identity for fraudulent purposes. To avoid this, tweak Facebook’s privacy settings so that only friends and family can see the photos, and never share any of your child’s private info, such as social security or phone numbersWhen your child grows up, he will have an entire online history he never made/wanted. College admission boards, future employers now look routinely at Facebook profiles as part of their screening process. Will your child really6 want them be able to see him boarding the school bus in third grade? To avoid this either refrain from posting under your/their full name or avoid posting pictures that show his/her face clearly.
And what about their time at school? Are they safe? .
Here some questions to look into with your child’s teachers and administrators:
What are the rules regarding mobile devices at school?
Are children allowed to use mobile devices for calculating and research? Is there a punishment for texting in class? Or, are mobile devices not allowed in the classroom at all?Are there social-networking rules regarding student/teacher interaction?
Many teachers use Facebook and other social networks to connect to students and make themselves available for questions, while others do not. Ask your child’s teacher what their rules are, and make sure you feel comfortable with any social-networking requirements.Does your school have a Cyberbullying policy?
What is expected from both the parents and student when it comes to dealing with cyberbullying incidents? Many schools have recently implemented harsher penalties for cyberbullies, including suspension and even expulsion.Does your school use filtering software?
What is your school doing to protect your child from harmful online content and contacts while they are at school, and what happens to a student who tries to access inappropriate material.
With over one billion Facebook users worldwide (as of October 2012) it looks like social networks are here to stay. And as of September 2012, the majority of American teens (58%), ages 13-17, now own a smartphone, so they are able to access the internet and social networks 24/7, wherever they are. And summer vacation means a lot of free time for your kids, no doubt a lot of it will be spent on social networks!
Although the jury is still “out” on the positive vs. negative influences of social networks on teens, tweens or even younger kids, there are certainly dangers involving their use. Cyberbullying, the posting of private information or images, and other online safety issues should concern you as parents. But the good news is that there are quite a few things you can do to provide a safer social networking experience for your kids:
Talk to your kids: probably the most important tip on this list, it’s very important that you keep an open dialogue with your kids and discuss the possible dangers of using social networks, such as sharing private information or pictures for the world to see, or cyberbullying. Try to be approachable and not judgmental and explain that they should always let you know if someone or something is making them feel uncomfortable.Set ground rules Allow a limited time for social networking per day and try to make sure that your kids engage in other activities such as “real life” socializing and physical activities outdoors. It may be a good idea to sign a family online safety contract with your kids outlining the rules for using social networks such as the amount of hours per day or the times of day during which your child can use social networks.Set a good example: If you yourself use social networks, try to set a good example by limiting the amount of time you spend there, befriending only people you know and sharing very little private information.Be skeptical: Explain to your kids that they shouldn’t believe everything they read online. People may post false or misleading information about various topics, including their own identities. This is not necessarily done with malicious intent, but is still something to watch out for.Customize your kids’ privacy options: Make sure your kids don’t share information such as their last name, school, home address, cell phone number, email and IM addresses. Check out the settings, configuration and privacy sections of the social networking programs to see what options you have to limit who and what groups can see various aspects of their personal information. On Facebook, for example, you control whether no one, friends, friends and networks, or everyone can see basic info, personal info, photos, friends and postings.Enable content filtering / parental control: For starters, you can set up parental controls in Windows by selecting that option from the control panel. Or you can go ahead and install an online child safety program such as PureSight.Know your child’s password:. So you’ll be able to log into his/her account any time and see what’s going on. If you’re just “friends,” your child can configure his/her privacy settings to prevent you from seeing certain things, or even set up a separate account where you are not listed as a friend.Keep your child’s physical location private:. Disable Facebook Places and photo geo-tagging, and configure privacy settings for photo tagging on Facebook.Know their friends: . For younger children, their online friends should be friends that you know in real life. For teens, have them explain how they know each friend.Instruct your kids not to use third party applications (apps) shared within the network. Using these apps involves allowing them to access your kids’ private information.
Launched in February 2004, Facebook has recently announced that it has 1 billion active users worldwide1 (about 3 times the population of the United States!)
Although buried and eulogized many times over, Facebook’s popularity is still very much on the rise. Love it, hate it, there is absolutely no getting away from it. And it doesn’t look as if Facebook is going away in the near future.
So is it a good thing? How does it affect your kids? What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages? Here’s a look at some of the many ways in which this ever popular social networking site affects your kids’ lives in some good, and some not-so-good ways.
It’s easy! Setting up a profile is a smooth process, and the relatively uncluttered UI of the site is easy to navigate and use. It’s free and all you need is an internet connection and any device that can connect to the internet, mobile phones included.Beyond boundaries: Facebook transcends all physical boundaries, and lets your kids connect with far away friends and distant family. Your kids can easily be informed about what goes in the lives of people who are physically distant.Your child decides who to share with. Your child can choose who they would like to share their status updates, photos or check-ins with.A place to share thoughts, causes and ideas. Your child can interact with kids with similar interests and ideas across the globe. They can join groups and support fan pages, and find out what other kids are interested in.Enhances social skills. Facebook allows kids to keep up with current friends and make new ones. When used in the right way, social media can increase a child’s self-esteem and help them feel less isolated, as if they belong to a group. Facebook also allows those who are shy or have trouble making friends to socialize more easily. And let’s face it – everybody’s on it…It’s educational! A majority of tweens and teens use social networking to discuss school work and share discussions about school assignments.Kids can be mean:cyberbullying can be a real problem. There are even some documented cases of kids who committed suicide after being bullied on social networks!Things aren’t always what they seem There are many fake Facebook accounts, information that is misrepresented – your child could be exposed to these.
Privacy: Privacy is a major concern for most Facebook users, and it’s really important to understand the site’s privacy settings and set them accordingly. And even though a lot has been done to improve the site’s security, it can still be confusing. As a result, hackers can have access to- and misuse- personal information.Time consuming Facebook is a real time guzzler – your kid could be playing outdoors, doing homework or doing other more meaningful things.Freedom of expression? Other kids (or even your own for that matter) on Facebook could misuse that freedom and post offensive or inappropriate content, which your kids will see! And this leads us to the next point:It’s addictive! Besides all the social features there are games on Facebook that can be very addictive. Did anyone mention Farmville?Whose image is it anyway? Once your child uploads an image to Facebook, it becomes public and anyone can download and misuse that image. Its anti-social? For your kids online interaction could become a replacement for face-to-face meetings. This can hurt social development and isolate your kids.It can hurt their future: kids can post regrettable information or photos that will be discovered by college admissions or potential employers in the future. Once information goes online, it never goes away.
So does the good outweigh the bad? It’s hard to tell. Either way you probably won’t be able to completely block your kids from using it. So it’s important to remember that if your kids are on Facebook, they should be aware of the dangers, and they should take steps to protect themselves, such as adjusting the privacy settings. It’s your job as a parent to explain the dangers and help them protect themselves, but also to be there for them, to listen and help, if they experience something that makes them feel uncomfortable or scared.
PureSight provides protection from cyberbullying and suspicious contacts on Facebook and you don’t even have to be “friends” with your child.
Holiday time is gift- giving time, and we all want to make our children happy. When considering this year’s gift – are you thinking about purchasing a Smartphone, tablet or some other internet-enabled device for your child? Do you feel the need to “keep up with the Joneses”, or that the earlier your child becomes familiar with the technology – the better? Or is it simply because your daughter has been using the “everyone in my class already has one” excuse? In fact, recent data shows that 41% (!) of third graders already have access to a personal Smartphone!
Is she too young?
Two sides of the same coin
Whatever your motivation, you are probably aware that there are two sides to this coin: on the one hand, the benefits of being technologically ahead, exposed to the enormous repository of knowledge that is the Internet, and the ability to be socially connected to their peers – are all enormous advantages for your children. On the other hand, there are the dangers that we constantly hear about: cyberbullying, sexting, pornography, online predators, and privacy issues are only a few.
Tax Implications for Gambling Winnings in Australia
Have you ever wondered what happens tax-wise when you strike it lucky at the casino or hit the jackpot on your favorite online slot game in Australia? Understanding the tax implications for gambling winnings is crucial for both seasoned gamblers and casual players alike. In this article, we delve into the complex world of taxation as it relates to gambling in Australia, shedding light on key aspects that every player should be aware of.
From how different types of gambling winnings are treated to the deductions and exemptions available, we will explore the nuances of the Australian tax system in relation to gambling. Whether you enjoy a casual punt on the Melbourne Cup or are a regular at the poker tables, knowing how your winnings are taxed can make a significant difference to your overall financial picture. Join us as we navigate the twists and turns of tax laws in the realm of gambling, demystifying the rules and providing you with essential insights to help you stay on the right side of the taxman.
Overview of Gambling Tax Laws in Australia
When it comes to gambling winnings in Australia, it’s important to be aware of the tax implications. In Australia, gambling winnings are not considered as income, so they are not taxed as such. This means that if you win money from gambling, whether it’s from lotteries, casinos, horse racing, or any other form of betting, you generally do not need to pay tax on those winnings.
However, it’s worth noting that if you earn interest on your gambling winnings, that interest may be subject to tax. Additionally, if you are a professional gambler and your gambling activities are considered a business, then you may need to pay taxes on your profits. It’s always a good idea to consult with a tax professional or the Australian Taxation Office to ensure you are compliant with any tax obligations related to your gambling activities.
Tax Treatment of Different Types of Gambling Winnings
In Australia, gambling winnings are generally not considered as income and therefore are not taxed. This means that individuals who score big wins at casinos, lotteries, or sports betting do not have to pay tax on their windfall. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) views these winnings as the result of good luck rather than a source of income, so they are not subject to taxation.
However, if gambling is your profession or you are deemed to be a professional gambler, then your winnings may be considered taxable income. In this case, you would need to report your gambling earnings on your tax return and pay tax on them accordingly. Professional gamblers are expected to keep detailed records of their wins and losses to accurately report their income to the ATO.
It’s important to note that while gambling winnings are generally not taxed, any interest earned on those winnings is subject to tax. This interest is treated as income and must be included in your tax return. Additionally, if you invest your gambling winnings and earn income from those investments, that income will be taxable.
For more information on the tax implications of gambling winnings in Australia, it is recommended to consult with a tax professional or visit a reliable source like Understanding the tax rules surrounding gambling winnings can help individuals stay compliant with the law and avoid any potential issues with the ATO.
Deductible Expenses for Gambling Losses
When it comes to gambling winnings in Australia, it’s important to be aware of the tax implications. In general, if you are a recreational gambler and not considered a professional gambler by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), your gambling winnings are not taxable. This means that if you enjoy occasional gambling activities like playing the lottery, betting on sports, or visiting casinos, you typically do not need to pay tax on any winnings you receive.
However, if you are deemed to be a professional gambler by the ATO, your gambling winnings would be considered assessable income, and you would be required to pay tax on them. Professional gamblers are those who are involved in gambling activities as a business or primary source of income. It’s important to keep accurate records of your gambling activities to determine whether you fall into the category of a recreational or professional gambler for tax purposes. Consulting with a tax professional can also help clarify any questions you may have regarding the tax implications of your gambling winnings in Australia.
Reporting Requirements for Gambling Winnings
When it comes to gambling winnings in Australia, it’s important to be aware of the tax implications that may apply. In general, winnings from gambling, including casino games, sports betting, and lottery prizes, are not considered taxable income in Australia. This means that if you win money through gambling activities, you typically do not need to report it as income on your tax return.
However, there are exceptions to this rule. If you are a professional gambler or if gambling is your primary source of income, you may be required to pay taxes on your winnings. In these cases, you would need to report your gambling income on your tax return and pay tax on the profits you make. Additionally, if you earn interest on your gambling winnings, that interest may be subject to tax.
It’s important to note that the tax laws surrounding gambling winnings can be complex, and it’s advisable to seek advice from a tax professional to ensure you are complying with all relevant regulations. Keeping accurate records of your gambling activities, including wins and losses, can also help you accurately report your income to the Australian Taxation Office and avoid any potential issues with taxation.
Compliance and Penalties for Non-Compliance
When it comes to gambling winnings in Australia, it’s important to understand the tax implications that may apply. Generally, for individual taxpayers, gambling winnings are not considered as income, and as such, they are not subject to income tax. This means that if you win money from gambling, such as through lotteries, casinos, or betting, you typically do not need to report it as taxable income on your tax return.
However, there are some exceptions to this rule. If you are a professional gambler or if gambling is considered to be your primary source of income, then you may be required to pay tax on your winnings. In these cases, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) may classify your gambling winnings as assessable income and tax you accordingly. It’s essential to keep detailed records of your gambling activities to determine whether you fall under this category.
Another important aspect to consider is that while gambling winnings may not be taxed at the individual level, any interest earned on those winnings may be subject to tax. If you deposit your winnings into a bank account and earn interest on that amount, the interest earned will be taxable. It’s crucial to keep track of any interest income generated from your gambling winnings to ensure compliance with tax regulations.
In summary, for most individual taxpayers in Australia, gambling winnings are not taxable. However, if you are a professional gambler or if gambling is your main source of income, you may be subject to tax on your winnings. Additionally, any interest earned on your gambling winnings is typically taxable. To navigate the tax implications related to gambling winnings effectively, it’s advisable to seek guidance from a tax professional or consult the ATO for specific advice tailored to your situation.
Understanding the tax implications of gambling winnings in Australia is crucial for all players. While most winnings are not taxed, professional gamblers need to be aware of the rules governing their income. Keeping detailed records and seeking professional advice can help navigate the complex tax landscape. Remember, staying informed and compliant will ensure that your gambling activities remain enjoyable and financially sound. So, whether you’re hitting the jackpot or mastering the poker table, knowing the tax implications will keep you ahead of the game.
And there are so many other questions to consider:
What is the” right” age to give them their first device?
What will they do with it?
Will they be able to use it all the time or only for a few hours each day?
Do I even understand the potential dangers?
And what about “parental controls”?
Confused? In fact, a recent FOSI (Family Online Safety Institute) report dealt with parenting in the digital age, exploring how parents weigh the potential benefits and harms of their child’s using electronic devices and being online.
There doesn’t really seem to be a clear answer, but here are some points to think about:
Technology is part of modern life. Children should be allowed to become familiar with it and become digital citizens like most of the people around us
The Internet is an amazing repository of knowledge and information – children need to feel comfortable with it and with the ways to access this information and make use of it!
As adults we are aware of the fact that our connection to our Smartphone is quite unique – we check it often (the average user checks their Smartphone 150 times a day!). It is much more than just our telephone or our phone book. We use it for recreation, to play games, to socialize, to navigate, to seek information, to shop, and much much more. The boundaries between what is and isn’t allowed are not clear, even for adults. Do we want our children to behave this way at their very early age?
The Smartphone could be dangerous
Along with it being an amazing tool, there are inherent dangers associated with being connected to a Smartphone, to name a few:
If there is no filtering in place, your child could access websites with inappropriate content – pornography, anorexia, hate, violence, and many more.
Smartphones can be a very convenient platform for cyberbullying as your child will be able to reached at any time, and at any location. And there are quite a few very popular anonymous social media apps that enable anonymous cyberbullying
Sexting is another burning issue – how long before your child is exposed to their first sexually explicit image? Or before they are encouraged by someone else to send one of their own?
Privacy issues are also of concern – will your child be sharing their full name? Phone number? Address? The name of their school? How about their location? Unless turned off, anyone can determine where your child is.
Your child could also be at risk of being approached by online predators, who may even convince them to meet them in person
So, what should I do?
One way to determine whether the time has come to purchase a Smartphone for your child is to ask yourself these 2 simple questions:
Does your child need the phone to stay connected with you or for emergency situations?
Does your child understand and respect the time and usage limits you have placed on other things like television and video game playing?
If the answer to these questions is ‘yes’, your child might be ready for their first phone.
Things you can, and should, do
If you do decide to go ahead and buy them a Smartphone, it is still very important that along with that shiny holiday gift-wrapped box with a Smartphone inside you give them an equally important gift – talk to them! Talk about what types of apps are okay to download and how to surf the Internet safely, make sure that they understand who it is OK to communicate with and more importantly, with whom it’s not OK, that they understand what is OK to share online and what is not OK, which pictures are OK to share and which are not. In addition to all this, make sure that the phone you give them is protected. PureSight Multi can help you do that – check out how!
One of the tools you can use to protect your children is a family online safety contract where you can define internet usage rules for parents and children in your family. When you’ve created such a contract, your children will know what is expected of them and what they are can or cannot do, as well as your obligations as a parent.
We’ve collected a few sample contracts that you can use as a basis. You can use them “as is”, amend them to suit your family’s specific needs and the age of your children, or create your own.
Casinos con Depósito Mínimo de 1000 CLP
En el mundo del entretenimiento en línea, los casinos con depósito mínimo de 1000 CLP están ganando cada vez más popularidad entre los jugadores chilenos. ¿Te has preguntado alguna vez cómo es posible disfrutar de la emoción de los juegos de casino con tan solo una pequeña inversión inicial? En este artículo, exploraremos a fondo esta tendencia creciente y te mostraremos por qué estos casinos son una excelente opción para aquellos que desean divertirse sin comprometer su presupuesto.
Desde las ventajas de acceder a una amplia variedad de juegos con un depósito mínimo hasta las promociones y bonificaciones exclusivas que puedes obtener, descubrirás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre los casinos con depósito mínimo de 1000 CLP. Acompáñanos en este viaje al mundo del azar en línea y prepárate para sumergirte en una experiencia emocionante y llena de oportunidades. ¿Estás listo para descubrir un nuevo nivel de diversión y emoción en los casinos en línea? ¡Sigue leyendo y déjate sorprender!
Ventajas de los Casinos con Depósito Mínimo de 1000 CLP
¿Buscas casinos en línea con depósito mínimo de 1000 CLP? Estás en el lugar correcto. En la actualidad, existen varias opciones de casinos que permiten a los jugadores depositar una cantidad mínima de 1000 pesos chilenos para comenzar a disfrutar de sus juegos favoritos.
Estos casinos ofrecen una amplia variedad de tragamonedas, juegos de mesa y opciones de casino en vivo, todo por un depósito inicial accesible para todos los bolsillos. Además, muchos de ellos brindan bonificaciones y promociones atractivas para maximizar la diversión y las oportunidades de ganar.
Algunos de los casinos en línea con depósito mínimo de 1000 CLP son reconocidos por su seguridad y confiabilidad, garantizando a los jugadores una experiencia de juego transparente y justa. Asimismo, cuentan con métodos de pago seguros y diversos para facilitar las transacciones financieras de los usuarios.
Si estás listo para unirte a la emoción de los juegos de casino en línea sin realizar grandes inversiones, considera explorar estos casinos con depósito mínimo de 1000 CLP y descubre la diversión y la emoción que te esperan en cada giro o apuesta.
Opciones de Juegos Disponibles en Casinos con Depósito Mínimo de 1000 CLP
¿Buscas casinos en línea con depósito mínimo de 1000 CLP? En encontrarás una selección de opciones que te permiten comenzar a jugar con una cantidad accesible. Estos casinos ofrecen la oportunidad de disfrutar de tus juegos favoritos sin la necesidad de hacer un gran desembolso inicial.
Al optar por casinos con depósito mínimo de 1000 CLP, puedes probar diferentes juegos y explorar nuevas experiencias de entretenimiento sin comprometer tu presupuesto. Esta opción es ideal para aquellos jugadores que desean disfrutar de la emoción de apostar en línea sin la presión de realizar grandes inversiones desde el principio.
Además, al elegir casinos con depósito mínimo de 1000 CLP, tienes la posibilidad de experimentar la diversión del juego en línea sin preocuparte por excederte en gastos. Estos casinos brindan una alternativa accesible para aquellos que desean disfrutar de la emoción del casino desde la comodidad de su hogar.
Estrategias para Aprovechar al Máximo tu Depósito en Casinos con 1000 CLP
Si estás buscando casinos en línea que acepten depósitos mínimos de 1000 CLP, has llegado al lugar indicado. En la industria del juego en línea, es fundamental encontrar plataformas que se adapten a tus necesidades financieras, y estos casinos ofrecen la posibilidad de comenzar a jugar con una cantidad accesible.
Al depositar 1000 CLP en estos casinos, podrás disfrutar de una amplia gama de juegos de casino, como tragamonedas, ruleta, blackjack y póker, entre otros. A pesar de ser un depósito mínimo, aún tendrás la oportunidad de ganar premios emocionantes y sumergirte en la experiencia del casino en línea desde la comodidad de tu hogar.
Además, muchos de estos casinos con depósito mínimo de 1000 CLP ofrecen bonificaciones y promociones atractivas para nuevos jugadores. Esto significa que puedes aumentar tu saldo inicial y tener más oportunidades de ganar sin tener que realizar un gran desembolso inicial.
En resumen, los casinos en línea con depósito mínimo de 1000 CLP son una excelente opción para aquellos que desean experimentar la emoción del juego en línea sin tener que comprometer grandes cantidades de dinero. Con una variedad de juegos disponibles y la posibilidad de recibir bonificaciones adicionales, estos casinos brindan una experiencia de juego emocionante y accesible para todos los jugadores.
Consideraciones Importantes al Elegir un Casino con Depósito Mínimo de 1000 CLP
Si estás buscando casinos en línea que acepten depósitos mínimos de 1000 CLP, has llegado al lugar adecuado. En estos casinos, podrás disfrutar de una amplia variedad de juegos de azar sin la necesidad de invertir grandes sumas de dinero. Este depósito mínimo te permitirá probar suerte en tragamonedas, ruleta, blackjack y otros emocionantes juegos.
Al realizar un depósito mínimo de 1000 CLP en estos casinos, podrás acceder a bonificaciones y promociones exclusivas que te ayudarán a maximizar tu experiencia de juego. Además, muchos de estos sitios ofrecen métodos de pago seguros y confiables para que puedas realizar tus transacciones de forma rápida y sencilla. No importa si eres un jugador experimentado o estás empezando en el mundo de los casinos en línea, estos sitios te brindarán la emoción y diversión que estás buscando.
Explora nuestra selección de casinos con depósito mínimo de 1000 CLP y descubre un mundo de entretenimiento y oportunidades de ganar. Con una amplia gama de juegos, bonificaciones atractivas y un ambiente seguro, estos casinos son la opción perfecta para aquellos que buscan disfrutar de la emoción del juego sin tener que realizar grandes inversiones. ¡Únete hoy y comienza a jugar en los mejores casinos en línea!
En resumen, los casinos en línea con depósito mínimo de 1000 CLP ofrecen a los jugadores chilenos una opción conveniente y accesible para disfrutar de emocionantes juegos de azar. Con una inversión mínima, es posible acceder a una amplia variedad de tragamonedas, juegos de mesa y apuestas deportivas, brindando entretenimiento y la posibilidad de ganar premios en efectivo. Aprovechar estas plataformas es sencillo y seguro, permitiendo a los usuarios experimentar la emoción del casino desde la comodidad de sus hogares. ¡No esperes más para unirte a la diversión y la emoción que ofrecen estos casinos con depósito mínimo de 1000 CLP!
Tips for creating a family online safety contract
Explain to your kids that the contract is meant to help them and keep them safe and not to limit them or make their life difficult. Talk to them about the potential dangers of online life such as cyberbulllying, sexting, and online predators
It could be a good idea to sit down and define online house rules together. If you decide to use one of the sample contracts listed below and your kids suggest a change, try to understand why. They may be right!
Make sure you read through the different sections of the contract with your children and that everyone understands each and every item.
Everyone should sign the contract – parents and children – to confirm that they have read and understood the terms and that they agree to them.
Once everyone has signed place the contract in a visible place next to each computer in the house.
As your kids grow, the contract may need revising.
Following are a few contracts that are available online. Look through them and see if you can find one that suits your family’s needs.
FOSI – Family Online Safety Institute
Interactive tool guides you through creation of an online safety agreement by filling out preferred options, such as who will be able to view child’s online profile (options: everyone, friends only, no one). End result can be printed. Includes all media: media, such as video games, TV and the Internet.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children