Social Media Usage Amongst Teens 2023

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In the most-used social media platforms ranking, Facebook has still managed to maintain itself at the top for the past 14 years, but does that mean it is still the most used amongst tweens and teens?

According to recent research, Facebook continues to lead the rank of most used social media platforms, with 2.9 billion monthly active users as of October 2022, which represents 36.8% of all people on earth. This information has been accurate even after acknowledging the decrease of roughly 2 million users per month in the first half of 2022. Facebook is still the most popular network in the world. This data is indeed impressive, but when it comes to tweens and teens it might not be as relevant as we may think, given that only 5.6% of Facebook users are 17 years old and under.

When focusing on which social media platforms parents should not only be aware, but also wary at times, we must turn our attention to the list bellow with the most popular social media apps and platforms kids and teens spend most of their time on:


In contradiction of what many may think, YouTube is the most used social media amongst kids between the ages of 13 to 17 years old, according to the Pew Research Center’s survey 95% of teenagers listed YouTube as their preferred platform.


This is the platform to be watched since its popularity growth between teenagers in the past few years has been exponential. In addition, due to its smart algorithms, that could quickly cause social media addiction, as kids spend an average of 102 minutes per day only on TikTok. 67% of teens have elected it as their one of their top platforms, this represents 32,5% of TikTok’s users.


Instagram is very popular because it is a mainly visual platform, that started focusing mainly on pictures and now added the “Reels” feature that is very similar to TikTok, the “Instagram Stories” and “Live” features that can get very similar to the YouTube lives that are so popular. Even though it is in third place, most of its users are between the ages of 25 and 34 years old, 31.7% of its users. Teenagers between 13-17 years old are 8.9% of Instagram users.


Snapchat is also a mostly visual platform that is very popular among the young generations. Even though around 2015 its growth appeared to reach a stagnated stage, around mid 2021 it came back with a significant growth and by the beginning of 2022 it had 332 million daily highly active users.


As mentioned before, Facebook is indeed the largest social media in the world currently, but this number does not impress when we focus on the younger generations.


WhatsApp messaging app became the main channel of communication amongst all ages, nowadays from 10 years old kids up to 70 years old adults, not only most have their WhatsApp accounts but are also active users. As of April 2022, WhatsApp has 2.44 billion monthly users, and it keeps growing.

Why is this subject more important now than it has been up until this point?

The use of the Internet, apps and social media keeps changing as the generations grow and evolve, and as the time goes by, more and more generations are born into a world of technology where likes and shares have an ongoing growing importance on their lives and wellbeing. According to FameMass, teens in the ages between 13 and 18 years old have an average of 3 hours a day on social media nonetheless, some teens spend up to 9 hours a day on it. This is longer than the time they spend on school, if you worry about what your child is learning on school shouldn’t you also be aware of what they are being exposed throughout most of their days as well?

online child safety, social media apps, teens

Tips for safe internet use

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Online activities are an integral part of your children’s lives and they probably spend many of their waking hours surfing the net. Your children use the Internet to study, browse for information, socialize, or play games. These are all constructive activities and there is no doubt that your children can derive tremendous benefits from the Internet.

But that same wonderful environment can very easily become unhealthy and unsafe and even threatening for your children. The increasingly popular social networking sites, instant messaging programs, and chat rooms are just a few potentially dangerous applications that your children probably use regularly. These and others are often misused by sexual predators and cyber bullies who are lurking around the corner, just a few clicks away.

You can’t keep your children off the Internet but you can try to make it a safer place for them, by following a few practical steps that will keep your children safe online.

First of all, discuss the following safe Internet use rules with your children:

  • Use caution with your personal information
    • Avoid publishing your full name, your school name, home address, email address, mobile or home phone numbers and images, where they are easily accessible by others. Use caution especially with social networking sites such as Facebook or MySpace
    • Never give out personal details to online friends you do not know offline
    • Never post anything you wouldn’t want your parents, teachers, or future employers to see
    • Remember that once you post information online, you can’t take it back. Even if you delete the information from a site, older versions exist on other people’s computers
  • Do not share other people’s personal information or say things that might violate the safety or rights of others, even if you mean it as a “joke”
  • Do not share passwords, user names, account IDs or PINs with anyone besides your parents
  • Do not leave mobile phones or other personal electronics (such as a laptop, iPhone, Blackberry, PDA, etc.) unattended
  • Remember there are impersonators out there who lie about their real identity. Someone you meet on the Internet may not be the right person to share your problems with, not to mention meeting with them face to face
  • Never agree to meet someone you only know online without your parents’ consent
  • Never open messages or attachments from someone you don’t know. It could be a virus, or worse – an inappropriate image or film
  • Only add people as friends on social networking sites and instant messaging programs if you know then in real life. Set privacy settings so that you have to approve people to be added as a friend
  • What you do not do in real life, don’t do on the Internet. This includes all kinds of cyber bulling using text, photos and videos
  • Talk to your parents if something feels inappropriate or makes you feel uncomfortable.

Take measures
In addition to discussing the rules with your children, these are a few proactive steps that you can take:

  • Place the computer in an open area in your home – not in your children’s bedroom. But remember that your children have other means of accessing the Internet and communicating with their peers. Pay attention to other computer and Internet-enabled mobile devices.
  • Set clear expectations for your children, based on age and maturity
    • Is there a limited list of websites your children can visit for their school work?
    • Are they allowed to use a search engine?
    • Are they allowed to visit social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace?
    • Are there sites they are allowed to visit just for fun?
  • Write down the rules and place them next to the computer. Your childrens’ teachers should be able to advise you which sites are appropriate for schoolwork and educational fun
  • Install parental control (content filtering) software, to help you limit the websites your children visit, monitor their online activity, limit the amount of time your children spend online, block file sharing programs and protect them from offensive content or cyber bullies. Pure Sight does all this and moreClick here to find out how.Don’t forget to inform your children that you have done this. Explain to them that that you are not spying on them – you are keeping them safe!
  • Limit and monitor the amount of time your children spend on the Internet, and at what times of day. Too much time online, especially at night, may be a sign of a problem. PureSight can help you do this!
  • Learn Internet basics: If you are not computer savvy, enlist the help of those who are. Learn the basics of the Internet so that your children do not become complacent. Look at blogs and social networking sites to see what children are doing. Go ahead and create your own accounts and play around with it a bit. Get on your children’s friends list
  • Be approachable: try to keep an open communication channel with your children, so that they trust you and feel free to approach and ask you anything or tell you about things that are bothering them. Talk to your children regularly about their online activities.
  • Lead by example. Your children are watching you. Limit your online time and use the Internet and your mobile phone wisely.

If your children are victims of online bullying or aggression, click here to find out what you can do.

online child safety, safe internet use, safe surfing

Online Child Safety during Summer Vacation

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Summer vacation is here and time away from school could mean plenty of extra time online for your kids – a lot of it happening when you’re not around to supervise.

And while the Internet can be a great source of fun and social interaction for your kids, it can also be a dangerous place. And while it feels like home is the safest place for your kids – the more time they spend online the more they could potentially be exposed to inappropriate content (pornography, hate, violence, etc.), cyberbullying, and other online dangers.

Following are some suggestions that will help you keep your kids safe, when online, this summer:

Kids are more likely to meet online friends in person during the summer. This may not always be such a bad idea, if handled correctly. Together with your kids, make sure the following rules are adhered to:

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online child safety, safe internet use, summer vacation

Setting time limits

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If you are parents to kids who spend some (or most…) of their waking hours online you should be concerned about cyberbullying and online harassment. It is well know that the more time your kids spend online, the more they could be vulnerable to online bullying.

But, isn’t it true that if my kid is home on the computer he is keeping himself busy and I know that he is safe and off the streets?


Suurimmat kasinovoitot Suomen historiassa

Suurimmat kasinovoitot ovat aina herättäneet suurta kiinnostusta ja innostusta pelaajien keskuudessa ympäri maailmaa. Suomessa ei ole poikkeus, ja monet suomalaiset pelaajat ovat onnistuneet voittamaan uskomattomia summia kasinopeleistä. Tässä artikkelissa pureudumme Suomen historiassa tapahtuneisiin suuriin kasinovoittoihin ja niiden taustalla oleviin tarinoihin. Mitkä tekijät ovat vaikuttaneet näiden voittojen syntymiseen ja millaisia seurauksia ne ovat tuoneet voittajilleen?

Tarkastelemme myös sitä, millaisia pelejä ja strategioita voittajat ovat käyttäneet voittojensa saavuttamiseen sekä miten nämä voitot ovat muuttaneet heidän elämäänsä. Onko voittaminen pelkkää tuuria vai vaatii se myös taitoa ja strategista ajattelua? Astu siis mukaan jännittävään maailmaan, jossa onni kohtaa taidon ja suuret voitot odottavat voittajaansa!

Voittajat ja Summat: Merkittävimmät kasinovoitot Suomessa

Suomalaisilla pelaajilla on ollut ilo kokea uskomattomia voittoja kasinopeleissä, jotka ovat jääneet pysyvästi Suomen pelihistoriaan. Yksi suurimmista voitoista tapahtui, kun onnekas pelaaja voitti huikeat 17,8 miljoonaa euroa Mega Fortune -kolikkopelistä. Tämä voitto on yksi kaikkien aikojen suurimmista kasinovoitoista Suomessa.

Toinen legendaarinen voitto tapahtui, kun pelaaja nappasi peräti 8,6 miljoonan euron jättipotin Hall of Gods -pelissä. Tämä voitto oli todellinen onnenpotku ja nostatti pelaajan elämän aivan uudelle tasolle. Suomalaiset pelaajat ovat osoittaneet, että suuret voitot eivät ole pelkkää satua, vaan niitä voi oikeasti voittaa.

Viimeisimpänä mutta ei vähäisimpänä mainittakoon suuri voitto, kun pelaaja voitti uskomattomat 17,8 miljoonaa euroa Mega Moolah -kolikkopelistä. Tämä voitto oli todellinen virstanpylväs suomalaisessa kasinohistoriassa ja osoitus siitä, että jättipotit voivat osua kohdalle myös suomalaisille pelaajille. Lisää jännittäviä tarinoita ja mahdollisuuksia voittoihin löydät osoitteesta

Menestyksekkäät Pelit: Suosituimmat kasinopelit voittojen taustalla

Suomessa on nähty useita massiivisia kasinovoittoja vuosien varrella, jotka ovat jättäneet voittajilleen ikimuistoisia hetkiä. Yksi suurimmista voitoista tapahtui vuonna 2013, kun onnekas pelaaja voitti yli 17 miljoonaa euroa Mega Fortunesta. Tämä massiivinen voitto teki kyseisestä pelaajasta yhdessä yössä miljonäärin ja sai koko Suomen puhumaan.

Toinen merkittävä kasinovoitto Suomen historiassa tapahtui vuonna 2017, kun pelaaja voitti yli 8 miljoonaa euroa Hall of Gods -pelissä. Tämä voitto oli yksi suurimmista koskaan Suomessa ja se nosti pelaajan elämän aivan uudelle tasolle. Voittosumma oli niin valtava, että se ylitti monien odotukset ja herätti suurta huomiota myös kansainvälisesti.

Eräs kolmas huomionarvoinen kasinovoitto tapahtui vuonna 2015, kun pelaaja voitti yli 5 miljoonaa euroa Arabian Nights -pelissä. Tämä voitto oli poikkeuksellisen suuri ja se teki pelaajasta hetkessä rikkaan. Voittosumma oli niin suuri, että se muutti voittajan elämän peruuttamattomasti ja loi hänelle mahdollisuuksia, joita hän ei koskaan aiemmin ollut uskonut saavuttavansa.

Viimeisenä mutta ei vähäisimpänä, vuonna 2018 eräs pelaaja voitti yli 6 miljoonaa euroa pelissä Mega Fortune Dreams. Tämä valtava voittosumma teki pelaajasta yhden Suomen suurimmista kasinovoittajista ja nostatti jälleen keskustelua siitä, miten yksi onnekas pyöräytys voi muuttaa koko elämän. Näiden huimien voittojen myötä Suomen kasinohistoria on täynnä legendaarisia tarinoita ja unelmien täyttymiä.

Onnenkantamoiset: Tarinat suurimmista voitoista ja niiden vaikutuksesta

Suomi on nähnyt useita massiivisia kasinovoittoja vuosien varrella. Yksi merkittävimmistä voitoista tapahtui vuonna 2013, kun suomalainen pelaaja voitti yli 17 miljoonaa euroa Mega Fortune -pelistä. Tämä voitto on yksi kaikkien aikojen suurimmista kasinovoitoista Suomessa ja se jäi vahvasti suomalaisten pelaajien muistiin.

Toinen huomionarvoinen voitto tapahtui vuonna 2017, kun toinen suomalainen pelaaja voitti yli 8 miljoonaa euroa Hall of Gods -pelistä. Tämä voitto oli todellinen onnenpotku kyseiselle pelaajalle ja se herätti laajaa huomiota koko maassa. Kasinovoitot ovatkin osoittaneet, että suomalaiset pelaajat voivat napata jättipotteja ja muuttaa elämänsä kertaheitolla.

Kolmas mainitsemisen arvoinen voitto tapahtui vuonna 2016, kun suomalainen pelaaja voitti yli 6 miljoonaa euroa Arabian Nights -pelissä. Tämä voitto oli osa suomalaisten kasinopelaajien menestystarinaa ja se vahvisti Suomen mainetta kasinopelaajien keskuudessa. Suurimmat kasinovoitot ovat inspiroineet muitakin pelaajia tavoittelemaan unelmiaan ja uskomaan onnekkaaseen kädenkäänteeseen.

Voitonjako ja Verotus: Mitä tulee tietää suurista kasinovoitoista Suomessa

Suomessa on nähty useita huomattavia kasinovoittoja historian aikana. Yksi merkittävimmistä voitoista tapahtui vuonna 2013, kun suomalainen pelaaja voitti yli 17 miljoonaa euroa Mega Fortune -peliautomaatissa. Tämä voitto oli yksi suurimmista kasinovoitoista Suomessa ja herätti paljon huomiota pelaajien keskuudessa.

Toinen merkittävä voitto tapahtui vuonna 2018, kun suomalainen pelaaja voitti yli 2,7 miljoonaa euroa Hall of Gods -peliautomaatissa. Tämä voitto oli todiste siitä, että suomalaiset pelaajat voivat saavuttaa valtavia voittoja nettikasinoilla. Voitto inspiroi monia muita pelaajia ja sai aikaan innostuneen ilmapiirin suomalaisen kasinopelaamisen ympärillä.

Kolmas maininnan arvoinen voitto tapahtui vuonna 2020, kun suomalainen pelaaja voitti yli 3 miljoonaa euroa Joker Millions -peliautomaatissa. Tämä voitto vahvisti Suomen asemaa yhtenä suurimmista kasinovoittojen saajista maailmassa. Suomalaiset pelaajat ovat osoittaneet, että heillä on mahdollisuus voittaa suuria summia kasinopeleissä ja tämä on tuonut lisää kiinnostusta pelaamiseen Suomessa.

Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että Suomen kasinohistoria on täynnä jännittäviä voittoja ja uskomattomia tarinoita. Suurimmat kasinovoitot ovat onnekkaan sattuman ja taitavien pelaajien yhteispeliä, jotka ovat jättäneet lähtemättömän jäljen suomalaisten pelihistoriaan. Vaikka suurten voittojen metsästys voi olla jännittävää, on tärkeää muistaa vastuullinen pelaaminen ja nauttia pelikokemuksesta kohtuudella. Kuka tietää, ehkä seuraava suuri voitto kirjoitetaan juuri sinun nimesi alle tulevaisuudessa!

Cyberbullying can occur anywhere, even in the privacy of your own home where you think your kids are the safest. And studies show a direct correlation between time spent online and the probability your child will be a cyberbullying victim.

  • In a 2005 study of 1,388 adolescents, Hinduja and Patchin (2006) found that time spent online is a positively related predictor of your kid turning into a cyberbullying victim.1
  • A University of Dayton study from 2009 found that “cyberbullying victimization was found to be correlated with the amount of time participants spent online during the week.2
  • And according to, “Adolescents who spent more time online reported that they engaged in cyberbullying or were the victims of cyberbullying more frequently than their peers who spent less time online.”3

So, how many hours should I let my child use the Internet every day?

The following age-appropriate online times are recommended by PureSight’s experts. You may increase the allotted time on the weekend, or allow extra time as a reward.

Toddlers/Pre-school: up to 30 minutes per day with parental supervision.

Elementary School: 30-45 minutes of play time, with parental supervision. Allot extra time for school work, if necessary.

Junior High/Middle School: An hour per day during the week, with additional time allowed for school work.

High School: Two hours per day, on average. Additional time should be allotted for homework and extracurricular activities.

OK… I understand it is important to limit the time my kids spend online, but does it matter what time of day they are online?


More often than not, cyberbullying occurs late at night. So it is probably a good idea to limit your child’s surfing times to daytime or early evening hours.

PureSight helps you keep your kids safe!
With PureSight you can easily limit your kids’ online time, and create separate age-appropriate profiles for each one of your children, on any device! Learn more..

internet curfew, online child safety, safe internet use, time limits


<< All Resources

As cyberbullying, sexting and other dangers of online life increasingly become a cause for concern for parents, educators, and law enforcement officials, many dedicated organizations have been established with the aim of educating and providing resources for the public. New ones are established all the time.

We’ve collected a list of the leading organizations and government initiatives, for your convenience. It is by no means a comprehensive list, and there are many additional organizations out there, all doing a lot of outstanding work.

Responsible Gambling: Best Practices for UK Bettors

Responsible gambling is a crucial aspect of enjoying the thrill of betting while ensuring the well-being of individuals in the UK betting community. With the rise of online betting platforms and easy access to gambling opportunities, it becomes increasingly important to address the best practices for bettors to engage in a safe and responsible manner. In this article, we delve into the key strategies and guidelines that UK bettors can implement to foster responsible gambling habits and prevent the negative consequences associated with excessive betting.

From setting limits on spending to recognizing warning signs of problem gambling, we explore the tools and resources available to help bettors maintain a healthy relationship with gambling. How can one balance the excitement of placing bets with the need to prioritize responsible behavior? Join us as we navigate through the landscape of responsible gambling practices, empowering UK bettors to make informed decisions and enjoy the world of betting in a safe and sustainable way.

Understanding Responsible Gambling: Key Concepts and Principles

When it comes to gambling responsibly in the UK, there are several best practices that bettors should adhere to in order to maintain a healthy and enjoyable relationship with betting activities. Firstly, setting limits is crucial. This includes both time and money limits. By establishing how much time and money can be spent on gambling each day or week, individuals can prevent overspending and avoid falling into financial difficulties.

Secondly, bettors should be aware of the signs of problem gambling. This includes chasing losses, gambling with money that is needed for essential expenses, and feeling the need to hide gambling activities from friends and family. Recognizing these warning signs early on can help individuals seek help and support before the situation worsens.

Moreover, utilizing tools provided by gambling operators can be beneficial. Features such as deposit limits, self-exclusion, and reality checks can assist bettors in managing their gambling habits effectively. These tools are designed to promote responsible gambling and can be accessed through most online gambling platforms in the UK.

Lastly, seeking help and support is essential for those who feel they may be developing a gambling problem. Organizations such as GamCare and the National Gambling Helpline offer confidential support and advice to individuals struggling with gambling issues. By reaching out for help, bettors can take proactive steps towards regaining control over their gambling behavior and overall well-being.

Setting Limits and Self-Exclusion: Strategies for Managing Risk

When it comes to online betting, responsible gambling is of utmost importance. For UK bettors, adhering to best practices ensures a safe and enjoyable betting experience. One key aspect of responsible gambling is setting limits on both time and money spent on betting activities. By establishing boundaries, bettors can avoid excessive gambling and maintain control over their habits.

Another crucial practice for UK bettors is to regularly review their betting history and track their wins and losses. This helps in identifying any patterns of problem gambling early on. Seeking support from organizations such as GamCare or BeGambleAware is highly recommended for those who feel they may be developing gambling issues. These organizations offer valuable resources and assistance to individuals in need.

Furthermore, UK bettors should always ensure that they are of legal age to participate in gambling activities. It is illegal for individuals under the age of 18 to place bets in the UK. Verifying the legitimacy of online betting platforms is also essential. Bettors should only use licensed and reputable websites like to safeguard their personal and financial information.

In conclusion, responsible gambling is a shared responsibility between the bettor and the betting operator. By following best practices, UK bettors can enjoy the thrill of betting while minimizing the risks associated with problem gambling. Remember to gamble responsibly and always prioritize your well-being and enjoyment while engaging in betting activities.

Recognizing Problem Gambling: Early Signs and Intervention

Responsible gambling is essential for UK bettors to ensure a safe and enjoyable betting experience. One of the best practices is setting limits on both time and money spent on gambling activities. Establishing a budget and sticking to it helps prevent overspending and potential financial difficulties. Bettors should also avoid chasing losses and be mindful of their emotions while gambling, ensuring that decisions are made rationally rather than impulsively.

Another key aspect of responsible gambling is knowing when to take a break. Taking regular breaks during gambling sessions can help prevent excessive and harmful behaviors. Additionally, seeking support from resources such as the National Gambling Helpline can provide guidance and assistance for those struggling with gambling-related issues. By following these best practices, UK bettors can engage in gambling activities responsibly and minimize the risks associated with problem gambling.

Leveraging Support Services: Resources for Responsible Betting

When it comes to gambling responsibly in the UK, there are several best practices that bettors should follow to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Firstly, setting limits is crucial. This includes both time and money limits to avoid overspending or becoming too engrossed in gambling activities. By establishing clear boundaries before starting to gamble, individuals can better control their behavior and avoid potential negative consequences.

Another important practice is to stay informed about the risks associated with gambling. Understanding the odds, potential outcomes, and the impact of gaming on mental health is essential for making informed decisions. Bettors should educate themselves about responsible gambling practices and seek help if they feel their habits are becoming problematic. Resources such as the BeGambleAware website offer valuable information and support for individuals struggling with gambling-related issues.

Lastly, seeking help and support is vital for UK bettors who may be experiencing difficulties with their gambling habits. Whether through counseling services, helplines, or support groups, there are numerous avenues for individuals to get the assistance they need. Recognizing the signs of problem gambling early and reaching out for help can make a significant difference in managing and overcoming gambling addiction.

Promoting Responsible Gambling Culture: Industry Initiatives and Regulations

Responsible gambling is crucial for ensuring a safe and enjoyable betting experience for UK bettors. One of the best practices for responsible gambling is setting limits on both time and money spent on betting activities. By establishing a budget and sticking to it, bettors can avoid financial strain and potential addiction.

Another important practice is to be aware of the signs of problem gambling. This includes chasing losses, betting with money that is needed for essential expenses, and feeling the need to gamble more frequently. Recognizing these warning signs early on can help bettors seek help and support before the issue escalates.

Utilizing the self-exclusion tools provided by gambling operators is also a key practice for responsible gambling. Bettors can choose to self-exclude from gambling websites and establishments for a set period, helping them take a break and regain control over their betting habits.

Lastly, staying informed about responsible gambling resources and support services is essential. Organizations such as GamCare and BeGambleAware offer helplines, counseling services, and resources for those struggling with gambling addiction. By seeking help when needed and educating themselves on responsible gambling practices, UK bettors can enjoy a safer and more sustainable betting experience.

As responsible gambling becomes an increasingly important topic in the UK, it is crucial for bettors to adopt best practices to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. By setting limits, staying informed about gambling regulations, and seeking support when needed, individuals can engage in gambling activities responsibly. Remember, gambling should be a form of entertainment, not a financial burden. By following these guidelines and being mindful of one’s behavior, UK bettors can contribute to a healthier gambling environment for themselves and others.

Childnet International

Childnet International’s mission is to work in partnership with others around the world to help make the Internet a great and safe place for children.

KidsSmart, educational website, for parents and kids, information about Childnet, news, projects, general safety advice for parents, young people and teachers, links and other information.

Connect Safely

Information for parents, teens, educators, advocates about the Social web and safe, civil use of Web 2.0.

News, safety tips and advice, forum, videos.

Cyberbully 411

Resources for youth who have questions about or have been targeted by online harassment. The website was created by Internet Solutions for Kids, Inc with funding from the Community Technology Foundation of California.

Information about cyberbullying for youth: what it is, who does it, what to do, and a forum for sharing stories.


Information, examples, what can be done, facts and figures and other resources about cyberbullying.

From the home of a comprehensive resource about all aspects of bullying.

Cyberbullying Research Center

Information and research about the nature, extent, causes, and consequences of cyberbullying among adolescents.

News, tips, blog, events, research, publications, presentations, resources, videos.


Developed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority, Cybersmart is part of the Australian Government’s cybersafety program.

Activities, resources and practical advice for young kids, kids, teens and parents as well as training and resources for schools and materials for library staff.

End to Cyber Bullying” (ETCB)

A NY state certified, non-profit organization founded by Samuel Lam and David Zhao, in the hopes of creating a social networking world devoid of cyberbullying. By raising awareness, ETCB hopes to help teens, parents, educators, and others to identify, prevent, and ultimately stop cyberbullying.

Information about cyberbullying and cyberbullying prevention for teens, parents and educators.

Enough is Enough

An International, non-profit membership organization that identifies and promotes best practice, tools and methods in the field of online safety, through the development of public policy, technology, education and special events.

Information about the organization, membership, upcoming events, resources for parents and professionals, news.

FOSI – Family Online Safety Institute

An International, non-profit membership organization that identifies and promotes best practice, tools and methods in the field of online safety, through the development of public policy, technology, education and special events.

Information about the organization, membership, upcoming events, resources for parents and professionals, news.

Get Safe Online

Sponsored by the UK Government, Microsoft and several other organizations, as part of a national campaign.

Information on protecting your computer and staying safe online, tips, videos, guides, etc.


A public service by Internet industry corporations and public interest organizations to help ensure that Internet users have safe, constructive, and educational or entertaining online experiences.

Blog, tutorials on internet safety, glossary of internet terms, FAQs, safety guide, tools, web sites for kids, information about fighting spam.

I Keep Safe Internet Keep Safe Coalition

The Internet Keep Safe Coalition is a partnership of governors and/or first spouses, attorneys general, public health and educational professionals, law enforcement, and industry leaders working together for the health and safety of youth online.

Resources for parents, activities and information for kids, resources for educators -from elementary through high school aged kids , videos, and an online store for purchasing brochures, flyers, books, specialty items and more.

ICAC – Internet Crimes Against Children

The ICAC Task Force Program was created to help State and local law enforcement agencies enhance their investigative response to offenders who use the Internet, online communication systems, or other computer technology to sexually exploit children. The program is currently composed of 61 regional Task Force agencies and is funded by the United States Office Of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Resources and information about training programs.


A European network of Awareness Centers promoting safe, responsible use of the Internet and mobile devices to young people.

Blog, events, information for children, parents and teachers, National Awareness Centers, hotlines, report illegal content.


An independent, not-for-profit organisation to help parents keep their children safe online

Age guides, information about cyberbullying. sexting, online porn, technologies and articles for further reading

Internet Solutions for Kids

A non-profit research organization in the US centered on understanding the impact on and opportunities for adolescent health represented by new technologies.

News, Publications such as: “Child and Adolescent Internet Use and Health”, information about projects, presentations, and additional information for parents.


i-SAFE Inc. a U.S. Congress endorsed non-profit foundation dedicated to online child safety. i-SAFE incorporates classroom curriculum with community outreach to empower students, teachers, parents, law enforcement, and adults.

Information for kids and teens, educators, parents and law enforcement. Training modules.

Keep Children Safe Online

A non-profit organisation aimed at parents, teachers and children to help further educate them on the importance of internet safety. The organization aims to provide resources, raise awareness and secure funding for organisations in this area.

Special areas for kids, adults and teachers, with educational materials about internet safety.

LMK Life Online

Created by Girl Scouts of the USA and Microsoft Windows to empower young people so they can educate others on the reality of being a teen online and help adults understand the real issues that affect teens every day.

Information mostly for teens (and some for parents) about the following online safety topics: social networking, online sexual predators, cyber security, cyber bullying, and mobile devices. LMK stands for Let Me Know.


An independent non-profit organization in New Zealand that promotes confident, safe, and responsible use of Cyberspace.

Net basics, a parent’s guide to cyberbullying, information about cyberbullying for young people, parents and teachers, research and development, and more.


An interactive, educational safety resource from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) and Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) for children aged 5 to 17, parents, guardians, educators, and law enforcement that uses age-appropriate, 3-D activities to teach children how to stay safer on the Internet.

Presentations, activities, links and information for parents, educators, law enforcement, teens and kids.

Safe Families

A program that was formed to assist parents in protecting their children from pornography and other dangers on the Internet. Religious orientation.

Tutorials and resources for parents and Pastors, news.


One of the oldest and most enduring sites for Internet safety. Created by known internet safety advocate, Larry Magid.

Safety advice, tools and tips.

Stay Safe Online

The National Cyber Security Alliance’s Website. Content on the Website is developed in cooperation with government, industry, non-profit and education partners.

Educational materials, information for home users on protecting their computers and their children, cyber security practices, videos, self assessment quiz, and additional information.

Stop Cyberbullying

Created by the Illinois Attorney General, to promote Internet Safety.

Information for kids & teens, parents, and educators about cyberbullying, cyberbullying quiz, news & events, FAQs, and basic Internet terms.


Operated by Wired Safety, this specific website is intended for kids between the ages of 7 and 17 and is dedicated to cyber bullying.

Information about cyberbullying, prevention, taking action for kids in the following age groups: 7-1o, 11-13, 14-17

Teen Angels

Site is maintained by a group of 13 to 18 year old volunteers specially trained in all aspects of online safety, privacy and security. The Teenangels run unique programs in schools to spread the word about responsible and safe surfing to other teens and younger kids, parents, and teachers. Sponsored by Wired Safety.

Information on becoming a teenangel and their activities, information about various internet safety issues such as cyberbullying and social networks, information for parents, schools, events and more.

The Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use (CSRIU)

Research and outreach services for parents, educators, librarians, policy-makers, and others regarding effective strategies to assist young people in gaining the knowledge, skills, motivation, and self-control to use the Internet and other information technologies in a safe and responsible manner.

Reports and articles, resources and information for education professionals, blog by internet safety expert Nancy Willard, director of the center.

Wired Safety

Led by Internet privacy and security lawyer, Dr. Parry Aftab, Wired Safety claims to be “the world’s largest Internet safety, help and education resource”. Wired safety also operates TeenangelsTweenangelsWiredKidsCyberLawEnforcement and StopCyberbullying.

Information and resource for kids, tweens and teens, parents, educators and law enforcement, FAQs, self help presentations for youth and adults, newsletter, surveys and polls.

Wise Kids

A nonprofit company, founded in 2002, provides training programs and consultancy in New Media, Internet and Mobile Technologies, Internet Proficiency, Literacy and Safety.

Resources, links, tips and activities for young people, parents, communities, educators and businesses.

online child safety, organizations

Is my child ready for Facebook?

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“Mom, don’t you know that ALL my friends have Facebook accounts!! Can I have one?”

“Dad, how will I know what’s going on with my friends if I’m not on Facebook?!?”

Let’s face it – social media has become a major part of the way we all communicate, children included. It offers a way to stay in touch with family and friends who live far away. And with the increasing availability and use of smart phones, tablets, computers and the Internet along with the popularity of social media sites, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Pinterest, Twitter and more—we can access almost anyone, anywhere.

Ontdekken van Niche Sportweddenschappen in Nederland

In Nederland is de wereld van sportweddenschappen een populaire en dynamische industrie. Terwijl velen bekend zijn met traditionele sportweddenschappen zoals voetbal en tennis, zijn niche sportweddenschappen in opkomst. Het ontdekken en verkennen van deze minder bekende sporten biedt niet alleen nieuwe mogelijkheden voor gokliefhebbers, maar opent ook de deur naar unieke en opwindende weddenschapservaringen.

In dit artikel duiken we dieper in op het fenomeen van niche sportweddenschappen in Nederland. Van obscure sporten tot opkomende competities, we zullen verkennen hoe deze nichemarkt evolueert en welke kansen het biedt voor zowel gokkers als weddenschapsplatforms. Ben jij klaar om de traditionele gokwereld te verlaten en je te begeven in de opwindende wereld van niche sportweddenschappen? Lees verder om te ontdekken hoe je jouw gokervaring naar nieuwe hoogten kunt brengen!

Opkomst van Niche Sportweddenschappen in Nederland

In Nederland groeit de populariteit van sportweddenschappen gestaag. Naast de bekende sporten zoals voetbal en tennis, begint ook de interesse in niche sportweddenschappen toe te nemen. Deze nichesporten bieden unieke kansen voor zowel bookmakers als gokkers om nieuwe markten te verkennen en te benutten.

Een van de opkomende niche sportweddenschappen in Nederland is bijvoorbeeld eSports. Met de groeiende populariteit van gaming en eSports-evenementen over de hele wereld, ontdekken steeds meer mensen de spanning van het wedden op professionele gamingcompetities. Dit opent de deur naar een geheel nieuwe doelgroep voor de gokindustrie.

Naast eSports zijn er ook andere niche sportweddenschappen zoals darts, snooker, en zelfs surfen die langzaam maar zeker terrein winnen in Nederland. Voor liefhebbers van deze sporten bieden de opkomende mogelijkheden om te wedden op hun favoriete evenementen een boeiende en verfrissende ervaring. Het ontdekken van deze niche sportweddenschappen voegt een extra dimensie toe aan de algehele gokervaring in Nederland.

Invloed van Digitalisering op Niche Sportweddenschappen

In Nederland groeit de interesse in niche sportweddenschappen gestaag. Steeds meer mensen ontdekken de opwinding en potentie van weddenschappen op minder bekende sporten. Een handige bron voor het verkennen van deze niche markt is Deze website biedt waardevolle informatie en tips voor het succesvol inzetten op diverse sportevenementen.

Met een groeiende populariteit van niche sportweddenschappen, is het belangrijk om goed geïnformeerd te zijn over de verschillende mogelijkheden en strategieën. fungeert als een gids die spelers helpt bij het begrijpen van de nuances van het wedden op minder gangbare sporten. Door gebruik te maken van de expertise en analyses op de website, kunnen wedders hun kansen op winst vergroten.

Door het ontdekken van niche sportweddenschappen in Nederland kunnen spelers profiteren van unieke kansen en hogere potentiële uitbetalingen. biedt inzicht in diverse nichesporten en toernooien, waardoor wedders hun horizon kunnen verbreden en nieuwe strategieën kunnen ontwikkelen. Met de juiste kennis en begeleiding kunnen spelers succesvol zijn in deze specifieke tak van sportweddenschappen.

De opkomst van niche sportweddenschappen in Nederland opent de deur naar een spannende en lucratieve wereld voor liefhebbers van zowel sport als gokken. Met als betrouwbare bron van informatie en advies, kunnen wedders hun vaardigheden aanscherpen en meer winstgevende beslissingen nemen in deze groeiende markt.

Regulering en Wetgeving omtrent Niche Sportweddenschappen

In Nederland groeit de populariteit van sportweddenschappen gestaag. Naast de traditionele sporten zoals voetbal en tennis, is er een groeiende belangstelling voor niche sportweddenschappen. Dit omvat weddenschappen op minder bekende sporten zoals handbal, wielrennen, en zelfs e-sports. Het ontdekken en verkennen van deze niche sportweddenschappen opent nieuwe mogelijkheden voor zowel bookmakers als gokkers.

Een van de voordelen van het verkennen van niche sportweddenschappen is de potentieel hogere winstgevendheid. Omdat deze sporten minder mainstream zijn, zijn de quoteringen vaak gunstiger. Dit betekent dat gokkers meer kunnen winnen met lagere inzetten in vergelijking met populaire sporten. Door de diversificatie van weddenschappen en het begrijpen van de nichemarkten kunnen gokkers hun winstkansen vergroten.

Bovendien bieden niche sportweddenschappen een unieke en verfrissende gokervaring. Het wedden op minder bekende sporten kan opwinding en spanning toevoegen aan de gokervaring, vooral voor diegenen die op zoek zijn naar nieuwe uitdagingen. Daarnaast kan het verkennen van niche sportweddenschappen gokkers helpen om hun kennis en begrip van verschillende sporten te verbreden.

Met de opkomst van online gokplatforms wordt het ontdekken van niche sportweddenschappen in Nederland gemakkelijker dan ooit. Gokkers kunnen profiteren van een breed scala aan sporten en evenementen om op te wedden, waardoor de gokindustrie steeds diverser en inclusiever wordt. Door open te staan voor nieuwe mogelijkheden en het verkennen van niche sportweddenschappen, kunnen gokkers een boeiende en lucratieve gokervaring beleven.

Populariteit en Groeipotentieel van Niche Sportweddenschappen in Nederland

In Nederland groeit de populariteit van sportweddenschappen gestaag, met een toenemend aantal mensen die op zoek zijn naar nieuwe en opwindende manieren om te wedden. Een interessante ontwikkeling binnen deze branche is het ontdekken van niche sportweddenschappen. Dit houdt in dat mensen hun inzetten plaatsen op minder bekende sporten of evenementen, waardoor ze nieuwe mogelijkheden en uitdagingen kunnen verkennen.

Door het ontdekken van niche sportweddenschappen kunnen gokliefhebbers in Nederland een geheel nieuwe wereld betreden, waarbij ze hun kennis en vaardigheden kunnen testen op gebieden die minder mainstream zijn. Dit kan variëren van sporten zoals schaken, darts of zelfs e-sports, tot specifieke lokale evenementen die normaal gesproken minder aandacht krijgen in de traditionele gokwereld.

Het verkennen van niche sportweddenschappen biedt niet alleen nieuwe kansen voor gokkers, maar ook voor bookmakers en online platforms die deze nichemarkten kunnen benutten. Door een breed scala aan sportweddenschappen aan te bieden, kunnen aanbieders hun klantenbestand vergroten en tegelijkertijd een unieke en gepersonaliseerde gokervaring bieden.

Al met al biedt het ontdekken van niche sportweddenschappen in Nederland een boeiende en innovatieve benadering van de gokindustrie, waarbij spelers worden aangemoedigd om buiten de gebaande paden te treden en nieuwe avonturen aan te gaan. Met een groeiende interesse in deze nichemarkten, kunnen zowel gokkers als aanbieders profiteren van de diversiteit en opwinding die deze unieke vorm van weddenschappen met zich meebrengt.

Marketingstrategieën voor Niche Sportweddenschappen in de Nederlandse markt

In Nederland groeit de populariteit van sportweddenschappen gestaag, maar een interessante ontwikkeling is het ontdekken van niche sportweddenschappen. Steeds meer mensen raken geïnteresseerd in het wedden op minder bekende sporten zoals darts, snooker, en zelfs e-sports. Deze niche sportweddenschappen bieden een unieke kans voor zowel bookmakers als gokkers om nieuwe mogelijkheden te verkennen en te profiteren van kansen die traditionele sportweddenschappen misschien niet bieden.

Door het ontdekken van niche sportweddenschappen in Nederland krijgen liefhebbers de kans om hun kennis en passie voor minder populaire sporten te benutten. Het wedden op deze nichesporten kan een spannende ervaring zijn, omdat het vaak meer diepgaande kennis vereist en hogere potentiële uitbetalingen kan opleveren. Met de groeiende interesse in niche sportweddenschappen wordt de gokmarkt in Nederland diverser en boeiender, en biedt het zowel beginners als ervaren gokkers nieuwe mogelijkheden om hun geluk te beproeven.

Al met al biedt het ontdekken van niche sportweddenschappen in Nederland een boeiende en lucratieve mogelijkheid voor liefhebbers van gokken. Door de diversiteit aan sporten en weddenschappen die beschikbaar zijn, kunnen spelers een unieke en spannende ervaring beleven. Met een groeiende markt en toenemende interesse in niche sporten, is het een opwindende tijd om deze wereld te verkennen. Of je nu een doorgewinterde gokker bent of gewoon op zoek bent naar iets nieuws, de wereld van niche sportweddenschappen heeft voor elk wat wils.

We all know that social media sites are great for building existing relationships and creating new ones – that’s on the positive side. But along with the benefits come the concerns – your children could be unknowingly putting themselves in harm’s way by posting personal information or compromising images, by agreeing to interact with potentially harmful contacts and worst of all, they could potentially be exposing themselves to cyberbullying – online bullying, which according to recent studies, most often happens between friends!

So, probably a lot sooner than you expected , you are facing yet another parenting dilemma – should you allow your child to have a Facebook or (any other social media) account?

Is your child under the age of 13?

You should be aware that if your child is under the age of 13, if they create a Facebook account, it is in direct violation of the Facebook Terms and Conditions, which clearly state “you will not use Facebook if you are under the age of 13.” The only way to actually create a Facebook account is to lie about your child’s age, if you do so, you are teaching them a lesson – lying is OK.

So how will I know if it’s time?

These basic points will help you decide if your children are ready for social networking, and if you are ready for them to be there.

  1. Computer literacy: Most kids are more knowledgeable about computers than their parents, but for those who aren’t – make sure they know their way around a computer and the internet before opening an account. Ask yourself – do you know enough to be able to guide them?
  2. Social Networking proficiency: Are you yourself familiar enough with social networking sites to be able to teach your kids how to safely use them?
  3. Time and energy: Are you ready to be actively involved? You need to be there, hovering over their shoulders, so to speak, guiding, explaining, monitoring. That’s quite a commitment. Are you ready to invest the time and energy needed? (And get used to seeing POS written in their chat – it means Parent Over Shoulder).
  4. Danger awareness: Are you ready to help your kids understand the potential risks and dangers, such as cyberbullying and sexting, so they are well informed and prepared?
  5. Open communication: Do you have a good relationship with your kids? Are you able to maintain open, honest, and frequent communication with your children? This is critical as your children should feel comfortable enough to talk to you about any problem or discomfort they experience.
  6. Right vs. wrong: Are your kids emotionally mature and responsible enough? Can they understand the difference between appropriate and destructive on line behavior? Are they capable of practicing Facebook and internet etiquette?

You’ve decided the time has come, your kids are ready…

Once you decide your kids are ready to handle the world of social media, it is important to set up guidelines or rules for use. Will there be set times for Facebook use? Will you have to approve new friends? What types of things are appropriate to include on a status update? Are children allowed to upload photos? Should parents approve first? Will parents have the password to the Facebook account? At what point will Facebook use be suspended?

And for some basic Facebook safety rules check out the following infographic:

PureSight helps you keep your kids safe!

With PureSight you can easily limit your kids’ online time, and create separate age-appropriate profiles for each one of your children.

See Features >

Facebook, online child safety, social media

Games and Activities

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If your kids are like most they kids enjoy playing computer and online games. These can be a great way to help teach your kids about the dangers of online life such as cyberbulllyingsexting, and online predators, and about the ways they can protect themselves.

There are many games and activities available online, and we’ve listed several here for your use. It’s probably a good idea to look at them before you let your children do them, so you know what your kids can learn from each activity. Depending on your kids’ ages, it may also be nice to do them together, as a parent-child activity.

Economic Benefits of Gambling to the Canadian Economy

Canada’s gambling industry has long been a subject of debate, with proponents and critics offering contrasting views on its economic impact. In recent years, the discussion has shifted towards examining the tangible benefits that gambling brings to the Canadian economy. From job creation to increased tourism revenue, the economic implications of the gambling industry are vast and multifaceted. In this article, we delve into the economic benefits of gambling to the Canadian economy, exploring how this controversial industry plays a significant role in shaping the country’s financial landscape.

As we navigate through the complexities of gambling’s economic impact, we will uncover key arguments that shed light on its contributions to Canada’s financial well-being. Beyond the glitz and glamour of casinos, there lies a network of economic opportunities that trickle down to various sectors of the economy. How does gambling fuel economic growth? What are the implications of increased government revenue from gambling activities? Join us on this journey as we unravel the layers of Canada’s gambling industry and its profound effects on the nation’s economy.

Contribution of the Gambling Industry to Canadian GDP

One significant economic benefit of gambling to the Canadian economy is the substantial revenue it generates for both the government and private sector. The taxes collected from casinos, lotteries, and other forms of gambling contribute a significant amount to the national budget, funding various public services and infrastructure projects. This revenue also helps to create jobs and stimulate economic growth across different regions of Canada.

Furthermore, the gambling industry in Canada attracts a large number of tourists, both domestically and internationally. Tourists visiting Canadian casinos and resort destinations contribute to the economy through spending on accommodation, dining, entertainment, and shopping. This influx of tourism not only boosts local businesses but also supports job creation in the hospitality and tourism sectors, enhancing overall economic activity.

Lastly, online gambling platforms like play a role in driving the Canadian economy by providing a convenient and accessible way for people to participate in gambling activities. These platforms create opportunities for Canadian businesses to innovate and expand their reach globally, contributing to the country’s reputation as a hub for technological advancements in the gambling industry. The digitalization of gambling also opens up new avenues for revenue generation and job creation in the digital economy.

Job Creation and Employment Opportunities in the Gambling Sector

One significant economic benefit of gambling to the Canadian economy is the substantial revenue generated through various gambling activities. This revenue comes in the form of taxes, licensing fees, and other contributions from the gambling industry to government coffers. These funds are then utilized for public services such as healthcare, education, infrastructure development, and social programs, ultimately benefiting Canadian citizens and the economy as a whole.

Additionally, the gambling industry in Canada creates numerous job opportunities, ranging from casino staff to management positions, as well as roles in marketing, finance, and hospitality. The employment generated by the gambling sector helps reduce unemployment rates and boosts consumer spending, further stimulating economic growth. Moreover, these jobs often come with competitive salaries and benefits, contributing to the overall prosperity of Canadian households.

Furthermore, the tourism industry in Canada benefits significantly from gambling establishments, attracting both domestic and international visitors. Casinos, racetracks, and other gambling venues serve as major tourist attractions, leading to increased spending on accommodations, dining, entertainment, and other related services. This influx of tourism not only boosts local businesses but also promotes economic development in various regions across Canada, fostering a thriving and diversified economy.

Tax Revenue Generated from Gambling Activities

One of the significant economic benefits of gambling to the Canadian economy is the revenue generated through various forms of gambling activities. Casinos, lotteries, and other gaming establishments contribute a substantial amount of money to the government in the form of taxes and licensing fees. This revenue is then used to fund public services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure development, benefiting the entire population.

Furthermore, the gambling industry in Canada creates employment opportunities for thousands of people across the country. From casino staff to game developers to marketing professionals, the sector provides a wide range of jobs that help stimulate economic growth and reduce unemployment rates. Additionally, the tourism industry also benefits from gambling, as many visitors are attracted to Canada specifically for its casinos and gaming facilities, bringing in additional revenue and supporting local businesses.

Economic Stimulus through Tourism and Entertainment

One significant economic benefit of gambling to the Canadian economy is the generation of substantial tax revenues. The government collects significant amounts from taxes on gambling activities, including lotteries, casinos, and sports betting. These revenues contribute to funding various public services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure development. In turn, this helps to alleviate the tax burden on citizens and supports economic growth.

Another key benefit is the creation of employment opportunities within the gambling industry. Casinos, racetracks, and other gambling establishments provide jobs for a large number of Canadians, ranging from dealers and croupiers to management and administrative positions. The industry also supports jobs in related sectors such as hospitality, tourism, and entertainment. This employment not only boosts household incomes but also drives consumer spending and economic activity.

Furthermore, gambling attracts tourism to Canada, particularly to popular destinations like Niagara Falls and Vancouver. Tourists are drawn to the diverse gambling options available, from world-class casinos to horse racing tracks. The influx of visitors leads to increased spending on accommodation, dining, shopping, and entertainment, benefiting local businesses and stimulating the economy. Additionally, gambling tourism helps to promote Canada as a desirable destination, enhancing its global reputation and attracting more international visitors.

Lastly, the gambling industry contributes to innovation and technological advancement in Canada. As the sector evolves, there is a growing emphasis on developing cutting-edge gaming technologies, online platforms, and mobile applications. This drive for innovation not only enhances the overall gambling experience for consumers but also fosters growth in the tech sector, creating opportunities for Canadian companies to lead in the development of gaming software and solutions.

Social Programs Supported by Gambling Revenues

Gambling plays a significant role in contributing to the Canadian economy through various economic benefits. One of the key advantages is the generation of substantial revenue for both the government and local communities. Tax revenues derived from gambling activities, such as lotteries, casinos, and sports betting, contribute to funding essential public services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure development. This revenue stream helps reduce the reliance on other forms of taxation, ultimately benefiting Canadian citizens through improved public services and facilities.

Furthermore, the gambling industry in Canada creates employment opportunities across various sectors, including hospitality, entertainment, and tourism. Casinos, racetracks, and other gambling establishments provide jobs for a diverse range of individuals, from dealers and customer service staff to marketing and management professionals. These employment opportunities help stimulate economic growth, increase consumer spending, and drive innovation within the industry. Additionally, the presence of gambling establishments attracts tourists, both domestic and international, boosting the hospitality sector and contributing to the overall economic prosperity of Canada.

Overall, the economic benefits of gambling to the Canadian economy are significant and wide-reaching. From job creation and increased tax revenue to funding important social programs, the impact of the gambling industry cannot be understated. As a major contributor to tourism and entertainment sectors, casinos and gaming facilities play a vital role in driving economic growth and development across the country. Despite some concerns about social implications, the positive financial effects of gambling are undeniable, making it a key player in Canada’s economic landscape.

Elementary school aged kids (First through Sixth grade)


My world and internet safety

An introduction to the need for internet safety. PDF to be printed out.


I know the safety rules

Children learn about the safety rules. PDF to be printed out.


Online safety quiz

For kids who can read, kids are asked to answer questions about potential online dangers (is it ok to send a picture of myself to someone I’ve met online?)The Online Safety Quiz is your chance to show that you know how to be a safe Internet surfer.

Power to Learn

Get certified internet smart

If quiz is completed successfully kid receives certificate with his name on it. Interface not very friendly for younger kids. Parents should work with kids on this one.



A virtual social network, created to teach children to safely and effectively use the Internet. Requires registration with parent approval.

Internet Safety Colorado

NetSmartz Activities

20 page booklet with a variety of activities: crossword puzzle (“test your netsmartz”), find the hidden words, word scramble, find the hidden words, and more. Answers at the end.

Media awareness

Are you web aware?

A check list for kids ages 9-12. Nice way to initiate a discussion with your kids about web awareness.

Council of Europe

Wild Web Woods

Online game about internet safety.


Internet safety game

Complete the sentences about safe and polite online behavior.


Get your web license

Kids answer questions about legitimate web behavior and receive a web license for their efforts.


Sid’s online safety guide

Sid’s Online Safety Guide includes fun games and activities that provide a sustainable way of reinforcing Internet Safety to primary school children.


Have you ever been cyberbullied?

Kids answer an online quiz to find out if they’ve been cyberbullied.



A selection of games, some are pure fun, others teach about online safety. The selected game appears at the top of the screen.


Hector’s World

Hector helps his friends use their computers, the internet and mobile phones the cybersmart way. Puzzles, stories, videos and activities.

Pennsylvania Attorney General


Activities, quiz, matching game, crossword puzzle and more.


Play it cybersafe

Cyber safety games for kids.



A variety of online games for kids.

Middle school aged kids and up (Seventh grade and up)

Cyberbullying Research Center

Cyberbullying crossword puzzle

Includes word bank and answers. PDF to be printed out.

Cyberbullying Research Center

Cyberbullying word find

Includes word bank. PDF to be printed out.

Power to Learn

Get certified internet smart

If quiz is completed successfully kid receives certificate with his name on it.

Safety Clicks

Online Safety IQ Challenge

Online quiz with feedback on answers and links to detailed explanations.


Interactive journey to learn about cyberbullying

An interactive journey through a detective’s office to learn about cyberbullying. Users hunt and explore their way through a fun website uncovering clues and information about cyberbullying and how to recognize what to do.

Need to Know

Cyberbullying quiz

Online quiz about cyberbullying.

Bullying UK

The Oracle

Hi-tech artificial intelligence bullying advice service. Young people answer questions. If a person is unsure of the answer to give they can use the drop down menu to select the most common answer to the current question. As The Oracle learns more about the problem it will start to deliver advice and continue to ask more questions while delivering more advice. On completing a session with The Oracle the user is presented with a roundup of all the advice given.

Media awareness

Are you web aware?

A check list for kids ages 13-17. Nice way to initiate a discussion with your teens about web awareness.



A variety of games and activities to help learn about texting and textual relationships.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Internet Safety Quiz

Online quiz. Kids can check their answers and learn from mistakes.

Pennsylvania Attorney General

Operation Safe Surf for Middle Schoolers

Tips, games and activities to promote safe surfing.

Pennsylvania Attorney General

Operation Safe Surf for Teens

Interactive games.

Cyber tip line

Id the creep

Game to help teen recognize the dangers of email, chat or IM and identify someone with bad intentions.

activities, games, online child safety

Internet basics – basic terms

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Anonymizer or Anonymous Proxy

An “anonymizer” (also called an “anonymous proxy”) is a tool that makes your internet navigation untraceable. It is a proxy server that acts as an intermediary between a client computer and the rest of the Internet. Anonymizer servers are located on the Internet at a location that is not traceable to you.

Every machine connected to the Internet has a unique IP address. When you surf the web the anonymizer accesses the Internet on your behalf, without providing your computer’s identifying information – the IP address, information about your location, and other personal information.

Anonymizers can serve malicious purposes by protecting users’ identities when they use the Internet to promote defamatory statements or cyberbully others.

Some users (your kids included!) may try to use an anonymizer to bypass web filters, but PureSight Owl blocks them so your children will not be able to override PureSight and expose themselves to inappropriate content or online harrassment.

Anonymous Messenger apps

Anonymous Messenger apps are social-media apps that mask users’ identities and can create messages that self-destruct. These are becoming very popular among youths as they leave Facebook and seek more fun, less accountability, ephemerality, (ephemeral = lasting for a very short time) and more privacy online. However, these anonymous apps create the opportunity for bullying and cruelty in a forum where they cannot be tracked.

Some of the more popular ones are Yik Yak, Backchat, Backdoor, Kik, Blink, Whisper, Secret, Telegram, Snapchat, Wickr, and


A small software application that can be downloaded to a Smartphone. Thousands of apps are released all the time, and they are popular with users of Smartphones such as the Apple iPhone and the Google Android phone. Most cost very little and some are free.
Examples of apps: song identification software, restaurant reviews, games, language translators.

iPhone App Store


Blog or Online Journal

A contraction of the term weblog, blogs or online journals are Web sites that are frequently updated with new content or “posts”. Blogs are very easy to create and update. The posts are usually displayed in reverse chronological order with the latest displayed at the top. Readers can post replies or make comments to each post.

There are several types of blogs:

  • Personal blogs: maintained by a single person and may focus on the daily life of the writer or that individual’s viewpoint on a subject or subjects
  • Corporate blogs: written by companies. Used to help a company communicate better with its customers or communicate internally within the organization.
  • Journalistic blogs: typically written by journalists, these blogs undergo editorial supervision, so they are not entirely personal, but they are also not corporate and reflect a single person’s opinion.

Kids will often use blogs to relate what is happening in their lives – school, after school activities, their social life. As with online profiles, blogs and online journals need to be monitored to make sure the child is not giving out too much information. Some blogs or online journals contain personal details such as full name, address, telephone number, name of school, etc. This information can be found and displayed by search engines.

See Blogs in Plain English


An application that allows you to view and interact with websites. Popular web browsers include: Chrome, Internet Explorer (IE), Firefox and Safari. Some browsers offer faster downloads or better security than others but it is mostly a matter of personal choice.


Chat Room

Chat rooms are “meeting places” on the Internet where you can have live, real-time conversations with many people from all over the world, at the same time. Chat rooms are usually intended for people who share similar interests, such as comics, gardening or pets.

Everyone in the chat room can see what everyone else writes, but you, or your children for that matter, can still use an anonymous alias. While this anonymity can protect your children’s real identities and encourage them to have open conversations, it can also serve to hide the true identity of predators trying to contact young people in order to goad them to talking about intimate subjects, or even worse, to meeting with them in person.

For this reason children should be taught to treat chat rooms with caution. Younger children should not be allowed to be there, and older children should only be allowed to participate when supervised by an adult. All children should understand the basic safety rules for chats: don’t reveal personal information, stay in the chat room’s public area, and never agree to meet anyone they meet in a chat room in person without informing their parents.

So, what’s the difference between a chat room and a forum?

Whereas members in a chat room usually all chat or communicate at the same time, members in an Internet forum post messages to be read by others whenever they log on. Internet forums also tend to be more topic-focused than chat rooms.

Chat Roulette

Chat Roulette is a relatively new Internet phenomenon, where users are paired with a random videochat partner. Users can click “next” any time, or decide to stay with their current chat partner. Most Chat Roulette exchanges last only a few seconds. Chat Roulette is probably the first chat that randomly pairs users from all over the world, to have introduced video to the experience.

Although Chat Roulette’s rules are: 16+, Please stay clothed and Please use “Report” button to get bad stuff blocked, the user is basically chatting with, and looking at, a complete stranger. And that stranger can often choose to do some very strange, deviant or offensive things.

See also:

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a type of computing in which advanced software applications and services are performed on servers via the internet, rather than installed on local servers or personal computers. In more simple terms, your software (or service) is online and ‘borrowed’, instead of purchased and actually installed on your computer. The name cloud computing was inspired by the cloud symbol that often represents the Internet in flowcharts and diagrams.

A prevalent example of cloud computing is web- based email, such as Gmail – the users’ email is all stored and accessed ‘in the cloud’ of the Internet, and not actually on their own computer. Other examples are backup services, social networking and more.

Contact / Contact List

On Instant Messaging programs or social networks, a contact is another user of the same program that you have approved as your “friend” and have added to your contacts list.

Once you have added someone to your contacts list they can see when you are online, check out your profile and whatever personal information you have posted there, including images, and, in turn, you can look at their personal info. This is why you should be very selective of who you add to your contacts list. It is advised that you only add people that you know in the “real world” and not someone that you’ve only met online. You are also able to chat freely with anyone on your contacts list.

It is important to remember that a contact’s name or information can be entirely false, so this type of information should be treated with caution. Someone posing as a 14 year-old teenage girl can in actuality be a 45 year old male.

So, if you are receiving communication from one of your contacts that makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, you always have the option of removing or deleting that contact from your contacts list. In instant messaging programs you can also block that person entirely. A contact that has been blocked will not see whether or not you are online and will not be able to communicate with you.

Windows Live Messenger contact list



A domain is a meaningful, easy-to-recognize address for computers and information on the Internet. Domain names typically end with a suffix that stands for the type or contentPageTitle of a resource (for instance, “.com” for commercial resources or “.uk” for resources based in the United Kingdom).

Domain names are often confused with URLs. The domain name is only part of the address – the overall Web site identifier and the URL is the locator for a particular resource on the Internet, or the complete Internet address. It must include information to the left of the domain name, identifying the correct Internet protocol. These are some common protocol identifiers: http://, ftp://, news: and mail:.

The domain name for this web site is:
The URL for this web site is:

For example, the page that describes the PureSight Company can be found at the following URL:

If you type in or even, modern browsers will guess that you meant but it is important to understand that the correct form of the URL is longer, and that not all web sites include www as part of their address. Some might be in the form, or even just


E-mail message

E-mail stands for electronic mail. E-mail messages are simply letters or notes that you exchange with someone else. In a business setting it is used as a readily available, immediate, efficient form of communication. In a family or social setting it is a fast, convenient, inexpensive way to stay in touch with friends and family. Sending and receiving e-mail is one of the most popular uses of the Internet.

An e-mail message can be a basic textual message and may also include images or movies, either as attachments, or embedded in the e-mail message itself, and viewed in the body of the message. E-mail messages can also include hyperlinks that direct you to a Web site, picture, movie, or even content that would be harmful to your computer. Links within an e-mail message can be dangerous and should always be treated with caution.

One of the problems of e-mail is the amounts of unsolicited spam, or junk e-mail, which are received by e-mail recipients, much of it offensive or obscene. Although most of these are blocked by spam filters, kids, who may not think critically about the messages they receive, can be particularly vulnerable to ads, and scams. Cyber bullying may also be a serious issue – cyber bullies (more often than not – other kids they know) can send offensive, disturbing and insulting messages to your kids.

For younger kids it is recommended that parents set up a shared e-mail account for them so they can monitor their messages. Young children should be instructed never to share their e-mail address with anyone they don’t know. Older kids who already have their own email accounts should be instructed on setting up filters to avoid receiving unwanted messages.



Facebook is a social networking website that was founded in 2004 and is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. Registered users can create personal profiles, upload photos, add friends and send them messages, and notify friends about themselves by updating their own profiles or their status.

Users can:

  • Update their status regularly with any information they wish to share
  • Join networks organized by city, workplace, school, or region
  • Create events, that can be either offline or online events, and register to participate in other events
  • Chat with other users who are online at the same time using an instant messaging chat utility.

It is important to note that Facebook includes tools to control the information users share and with whom they choose to share it – starting with only those who are the user’s approved friends (contacts) and up to anyone who performs a simple search on the web.

The Facebook mission

According to the Facebook website “Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. Millions of people use Facebook everyday to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet”.

January 2010 survey ranks Facebook as the most popular social networking site.

Some interesting statistics, as published by Facebook

  • One billion monthly active users as of October 2012
  • 584 million daily active users on average in September 2012
  • 604 million monthly active users who used Facebook mobile products as of September 30, 2012

Facebook fact sheet:


A computer file is a block of information which is available to a computer program. The file name is made up of:

  • The name of the file, which is any name whoever creates the file chooses to give
  • An extension that indicates what type of program is needed to be able to read and/or display the contents of the file. For example: myfile.docx, mypic.jpg.

Some common file types are:

  • Text File: Words or words and pictures. (.txt, .docx are some extension examples)
  • Image File: These are all different formats to display a picture or movie.( .bmp, .jpg, .mpg, gif.)
  • Audio File: This can be a sound file or one containing a song or entire album of songs(.mp3)

File Sharing

File-sharing, also known as “peer-to-peer” (P2P) technology, allows users to search for and download files from other users’ computers. This technology is popularly used to exchange music files or video files of TV shows and movies.

There are many free P2P software “client” programs available that enable this kind of file sharing. Some popular examples are: Lime Wire, UTorrent, EMule and others.

The dangers of file sharing
There a few issues related to file sharing that parents should be aware of:

  • Exposure to pornography: As many people use these networks to trade pornographic images and videos, and this medium is not regulated or monitored, kids can easily chance upon sexually explicit materials, even when performing innocent searches
  • Spyware/adware: While file sharing programs are obtainable free online, they may come with additional software known as “spyware,” or “adware”, that can track where you go on the Internet, create links on Web pages that will send you to advertising and even collect information from your hard drive such as passwords, credit card numbers and email addresses
  • The ethical issue: Although many people download files and some musicians even support the practice, file-sharing is illegal. If everyone downloads for free, artists will not be compensated when their songs are exchanged online, and funds may not be available to develop and promote new artists.


An Internet forum is an online discussion site, where members can communicate with other members. A member of a forum posts a message, which is visible to all other forum members, who have the option of posting a reply, which is also visible to all members. Thus, a discussion can build up without all users having to be online at the same time.

Before a prospective member joins a forum, he or she is usually required to register, to create an online identity (ID or nickname) to be used on the forum and also to agree to follow certain online rules. It is recommended that you read these rules and see if the forum is appropriate for your kids. You will also be able to see who to contact in case of a complaint. A forum can focus on nearly any subject and forum members tend to develop a sense of an online community.

The separate conversations in an Internet forum are called threads. An Internet forum administrator or monitor may also participate in the forum. A forum administrator can usually modify threads , move or delete them if necessary. Administrators can also usually change software items in an Internet forum. Moderators make sure the forum rules are being followed. It is also important to note that some forums control messages before they are published, while in others the moderators will remove offensive messages only after they have been published. Until that happens, the offensive message is up there for everyone to see.

An Internet forum is also called a message board, discussion group, bulletin board or web forum.

So, what’s the difference between an Internet forum and a chat room?

Whereas members in a chat room usually all chat or communicate at the same time, members in an Internet forum post messag



The term HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language – the programming language that web pages are based on. HTML commands your web browser to display text and graphics. HTML uses commands called ‘HTML tags’.



ICQ (homophone for the phrase ‘I Seek You’) is a popular instant messaging program, which was first developed by the Israeli company Mirabilis, and is now owned by AOL.

ICQ features include sending text messages, multi-user chats, free daily-limited SMS sending, resumable file transfers, greeting cards, multiplayer games and a searchable user directory. In order to use ICQ, both parties must download the program.

An interesting phenomenon associated with ICQ and other instant messaging programs is the development of an entire new written language of communication that includes abbreviations (BRB= be right back), substitution of graphics for letters or words (<3 = heart or love) or letters that sound like words (4 sure = for sure).

See here for a glossary of shorthand definitions.

ICQ assigns a unique identification number (UIN) to each user, rather than using the user’s email or an identity chosen by the user, as other similar programs do. This allows an ICQ user to change every piece of information about their account — screen name, email address, real name, home town — and still have the same primary identification.

It is important to remember that a contact’s name or information can be entirely false, so this type of information should be treated with caution. Someone posing as a 14 year-old teenage girl can in actuality be a 45 year old male.

ICQ is no longer the leading messaging program as it was in the past and has now been surpassed by more popular messaging programs such as MSN (Windows Live) Messenger, Google Talk and Facebook’s chat.

ICQ claims to have over 180 million users in more than 245 countries.

Instant Message

An instant message is a private online communication between two people using the same instant messaging software. The software can come either in the form of a client that needs to be downloaded to your computer or can be accessed online using dedicated Web messengers.

Instant messaging (IM) may be the most popular way of talking with friends among young people as it is a cost-free tool for communicating with friends, both near and far, and only the intended recipient can read the message. It often replaces the telephone as a means of communication. Some of the more popular IM programs are Windows Live Messenger, ICQ, and Yahoo Messenger. There are many others.

IM users can select the people they want to talk with and they create contact lists of friends. They can chat only with their “friends”. Users also have the option of blocking people they don’t know or don’t want to communicate with. It is important to remember that a contact’s name or information can be entirely false, so this type of information should be treated with caution. Someone posing as a 14 year-old teenage girl can in actuality be a 45 year old male. Cyber bullying may also be a serious issue – cyber bullies (more often than not – other kids they know) can send offensive, disturbing and insulting messages to your kids. So it is important that children exercise caution and make sure they “approve” as friends only people they know.

Because it is sometimes easier to say things online, rather than in person, instant messaging can be used to spread rumors and gossip and cyberbulllying is a real danger.


The Internet is a linking of computer networks – all the hardware and software that connects millions of computers, all over the world, to each another. This connection makes it possible for anyone with access to the Internet to visit, chat, or speak with anyone else connected to the Internet. There are lot of services available over this network of computers – the World Wide Web, e-mail, file transferring services and others.


ISP stands for Internet Service Provider – the company that provides you with an internet connection usually for a fixed monthly fee. The fee may depend on the connection speed (e.g. ultra high speed Internet vs economy Internet). ISPs may also offer varying services for additional fees such as: email, hosting your own web page, hosting your own blog, antivirus and online child protection.

WISPs are Wireless Internet Service Providers.



In simple terms, a keyword is a significant or descriptive word, or phrase. Keywords serve to describe the content of a specific website or web page and they have many uses. We use them to perform searches by entering them into a search engine in an effort to get relevant results in return.

In PureSight PC’s Instant Messaging filter, keywords are used to prevent your children from disclosing information that could be potentially dangerous, such as their phone number or your credit card number. All you have to do is enter the relevant keywords and the content will be blocked or you will be alerted according to what you have defined in the system.


MSN Messenger

See Windows Live Messenger


A “meme” is a virally-transmitted cultural symbol, belief, or social idea. Historically, a meme was a cultural item – a story, fable or joke, that would be transmitted via word of mouth. Today, memes travel as fast as it takes to hit “Like”, “Share”, “Retweet” or post a blog. A meme can be anything from a link to a YouTube video to an email signature that includes a famous quote

The term “meme” was introduced in 1976 by the evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins who described memes as a form of cultural propagation, a way for people to transmit social memories and cultural ideas to each other. A meme idea will travel from mind to mind, in a way that is similar to the way that DNA and life will spread from location to location.

Memes that become viral usually have the following features:

Meme content:

Most memes are spread by adolescents and young
 – who like to message and interact online,
and enjoy memes.

Lolcat meme


MySpace is the second most popular(as of January 2010) social networking website, after Facebook. The site was launched in January 2004, and was originally designed to be a file sharing site but quickly became a public social networking tool. MySpace offers free accounts to anyone who meets specific age requirements and aims mostly at a younger membership. The bandwidth and storage space is largely paid for by ads that are featured on the main site.

A MySpace profile typically includes an image and in-depth personal information. The amount of detail included in the profile is up to the user and is submitted voluntarily. MySpace has tools that allow people to upload pictures, videos, links to other websites and even music. Once a person creates his MySpace page, he can add friends, and then friends’ friends and so forth. Friends can send a blog to friends who subscribe to their MySpace blog, or they can post bulletins for everyone on the Friend List to see.

MySpace is used heavily by Independent filmmakers and even mainstream musicians to promote their work.

MySpace has an Amber Alert tool that creates a pop-up whenever an Amber Alert is activated in your general area. By pressing the pop-up button, the Amber Alert message displays, letting the user know all the information that authorities think people should know about recently missing children.

According to MySpace:

  • MySpace has more than 100 million monthly active users around the globe
  • MySpace has nearly 65 million total unique users in the US

MySpace Fact Sheet:



P2P stands for “Peer to Peer”. P2P is a protocol that runs on a personal computer and allows sharing of files, such as music, video or data files, with other users across the internet. P2P networks work by connecting individual computers together, relying on the computing power and bandwidth of the users of the network to share files instead of having to go through a central server. See file sharing.


A post is a single entry in a blog; a blog contains multiple posts. To post means to publish new content; “I’ll post the news on the bulletin board”.


A profile is personal information that the author is willing to share on applications such as social networks or instant messaging programs. It is important to remember that anyone using the Internet may be able to see the information in any user’s profile.

Information such as your full name, your address, school name, and telephone number can be dangerous to include in a profile. This type of information may lead to unwanted contacts or stalking. Information such as the full name and date of birth may increase children’s risk of being victimized by online predators.

In order to protect your personal information it is advised not to provide too much personal information and to make sure your privacy settings are set so that only your approved friends will be able to see your private information.

It is important to remember that a user’s name or information can be entirely false, so this type of information should be treated with caution. Someone posing as a 14 year-old teenage girl can in actuality be a 45 year old male. Other profiles can represent a non existing person altogether.

Example of a Facebook profile.


In simple terms a proxy is an intermediate server or a network that enables indirect communication between computer networks. In some cases the proxy server serves as a separation point between an organization and the outside world and enables monitoring, blocking or changes in HTML pages based on different criteria.

A proxy server enables the blocking of web pages with undesirable content and access to illegal downloads.

The anonymous proxy enables privacy and anonymity, by replacing the IP address of a user on the internal (protected) network with its own IP address for all traffic passing through it.

The proxy provides the same ability to browse the Internet as any other Web browser. A proxy site allows the user to type in a specific web address and be directed to that specific page in a window.

Example of how a proxy server works.


Second Life

Second Life is an online three dimensional virtual world that is created entirely by its members. Members assume an identity, take up residence in Second Life (and thus become “residents”), and create an imaginary character to represent them. The character (or “avatar”) moves about in the virtual world using mouse and keyboard controls and interacts with other residents. Residents can also trade virtual property and services with one another, or travel throughout the world (“the grid”). Second Life’s virtual world also includes sound, built-in chat and instant messaging.

Residents have reported making significant “real world” incomes by selling objects or services that other residents want on Second Life. The currency used in Second Life is called Linden dollars and it can be purchased with real dollars, or acquired from other residents in exchange for services or products.

Real world corporations and even countries take interest in Second Life. Real world banking, corporate training classes, virtual universities, virtual interactive congressional sessions, and three-dimensional customer and tech support are just some of the possibilities that corporations and businesses have started to think about.

Second Life is for people aged 18 and over, while Teen Second Life is for people aged 13 to 17.Within the adult version of Second Life, there are PG areas and adult areas. According to the terms of service contract, harassment of any kind in Second Life results in permanent expulsion.

According to Second Life:

  • Second Life is the virtual world leader with 90% of the market
  • If Second Life was a physical place, it would cover 1.8 billion square meters of land which is about the size of Houston, Texas
  • Over $360 million USD in user-to-user transactions in 2009

See: What is Second Life? From the Second Life Website.


A self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or smartphone. Selfies are often associated with social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook, and Instagram, where they are often posted. They are usually casual, and may include sexually explicit photos.


Slut-shaming, is the act of making someone, usually a woman, feel guilty or inferior, for being sexual, having several sexual partners, acknowledging sexual feelings, and/or acting on sexual feelings. Slut-shaming has been called “the new scarlet letter” and is harmful not only to the girls and women targeted, but to women in general. Slut-shaming can occur even if the term “slut” itself is not used.
A related term is teen shaming which refers to teens posting images of other teens with derogatory comments written on those pictures.

Many of the insulting memes are compiled
on a Facebook page, “Hey Girls, Did You Know?”

Smart Phone

A Smartphone is a device that lets you make telephone calls but also has additional features making it, in effect, a handheld computer. The Smartphone offers advanced computing capabilities such as high speed web access, the ability to install software or Apps , the ability to send and receive e-mail, edit Office documents or social networking.

Smartphones are based on an operating system that allows them to run the applications: Apple’s iPhone runs the iOS, other devices run Google’s Android OS, and Microsoft’s Windows Phone. Smartphones generally have more memory and a touch screen or a small keypad.

Kids who use Smartphones are exposed to dangers similar to those experienced by kids who use Personal Computers – sexting, cyberbullying and exposure to questionable or harmful content such as Pornography, violence and hate.


A photo messaging application where users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings, and send them to other users. Users set a time limit for how long recipients can view their Snaps, ranging from up to 10 seconds to as little as 1 second, after which they will be hidden from the recipient’s device and deleted from the company’s servers. As it is considered “safe” kids often send their sexually explicit images in Snapchat, so that it has become associated with sexting.

Snapchat logo

Social Network

A social network is a Web site that allows users to connect with friends and family, share photos, videos, music and other personal information with either a select group of friends or a wider group of people, depending on the selected settings. Social networking Web sites function like an online community of Internet users. Each user creates their own profile where they publish personal information and photos and each user can decide which other registered users of the social network will join their list of friends, or contacts.

Using privacy settings they can also decide who will be able to see the information they publish –starting with only those they’ve approved as friends and up to anyone who is part of the social network.

The potential dangers of social networks

Social networks can be misused by children to cyber bully other children, to spread rumors or gossip. This can cause great harm to the victim, mental or otherwise even though the intention may not have been inherently malicious.

In addition, kids or anyone who has a profile on a social network should be taught to exercise caution with the personal information they publish on their profiles. This information can be used by people with bad intentions to track them down. For this reason they should also be instructed about using the site’s privacy settings.

Some popular social networks are Facebook, MySpace and Bebo.

See Social Networking in Plain English.


Spam is unsolicited commercial e-mail, generally e-mail advertising for some product, sent directly to individual users on a mailing list or newsgroup. It is also known as “bulk e-mail”, or “junk e-mail”.

The term is generally attributed to the Monty Python song, “Spam spam spam spam, spam spam spam spam, lovely spam, wonderful spam…” Like the song, spam is an endless repetition of worthless text. Others claim the source is the University of Southern California’s computer lab who named it so because it has similar characteristics as the lunchmeat Spam:

  • Nobody wants it or ever asks for it
  • No one ever eats it; it is the first item to be pushed to the side when eating the entree
  • Sometimes it is actually tasty, like 1% of junk mail that is really useful to some people.

Spam wastes people’s time with unwanted e-mail, but also takes up a lot of network bandwidth, as many copies of the same message are sent. As a result, many organizations are trying to fight spam and some online services have introduced policies to prevent spammers from sending unsolicited messages to their subscribers.



A Talkback is a system that allows readers to respond to information published on the Internet. It is commonly used on news sites, blogs, and other sites that enable readers to post their reaction to the information on a certain Web page. The talkbacks appear at the bottom of the page, with the latest message usually at the top. Readers can even post comments to other people’s comments. The Talkback is typical of Web 2.0 culture, and usually serves to express the writer’s opinion but can also serve to point out factual or language mistakes.

Although originally intended for “legitimate” readers to post their reactions, there are several issues to pay attention to:

  • Offensive and/or violent language. Similarly to forums, some Web sites will control these messages before they are published, while in others offensive messages will be removed by the site’s editors only after they have been published. Until that happens, the message is up there for everyone to see. Some Web sites do not bother to monitor these messages at all
  • False identity: as Talkbacks are anonymous you can never know who the real writer is
  • Misrepresentation: Talkbacks are often viewed as an instrument for influencing public opinion and for advancing causes and so they will be used by PR firms or other organizations to advance the interests of whoever they represent. The readers cannot know who is really behind the message.

Typical talkback


Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates, known as “tweets”. Tweets are text-based posts up to 140 characters long that answer the question “what are you doing?”. Tweets are displayed on the user’s profile page and delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them, known as followers.

The tweet is defined by its short informal format. As the tweets are limited to 140 characters a special shorthand has developed. For example, the # symbol (hashtag) is a way to group tweets by keyword. URLs are shortened so that they take up fewer characters. Click here for a run through on Twitter lingo.

The sender can restrict delivery to friends (the default is delivery to everyone). Users can receive updates via the Twitter website, SMS, RSS, email or through an application such as Tweetie, TwitterFon, Twitterrific, Feedalizr or Facebook.

Twitter has many personal and business uses. It’s a great way to keep in touch with your friends and quickly broadcast information about where you are and what you’re up to, without going to the trouble of creating an entire blog post. For business, Twitter can be used to broadcast a company’s latest news and blog posts, interact with customers, or to enable easy internal collaboration and group communication.

See: Twitter in Plain English.



In very simple terms a URL is the address of a web page on the World Wide Web, the name or numbers that appear in the address window of your browser. The acronym URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.

URLs are often confused with domain names. The domain name is the overall web site identifier and the URL is the locator for a particular resource on the Internet, or the complete Internet address. It must include information to the left of the domain name, identifying the correct Internet protocol. These are some common protocol identifiers: http://, ftp://, news: and mail:.

The domain name for this web site is:
The URL for this web site is

For example, the page that describes the PureSight Company can be found at the following URL:

If you type in or even, modern browsers will guess that you meant but it is important to understand that the correct form of the URL is longer, and that not all web sites include www as part of their address. Some might be in the form , or even just


Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is the term given to describe a second generation of the World Wide Web that is focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information interactively online. The term essentially refers to the transition from static HTML Web pages (also known as Web 1.0) to a more dynamic Web that is more organized and is based on serving Web applications to users.

It is important to understand that the term Web 2.0 does not necessarily refer to any specific change in the technology of the Internet, but rather to the behavior of how people use the Internet. A Web 2.0 site allows its users to interact with other users or to change website content, in contrast to non-interactive websites where users are limited to the passive viewing of information that is provided to them.

Examples of Web 2.0 include blogs, wikis, online presentation tools, online photograph-sharing sites like Flickr, social networking sites and many, many more.

For a more detailed explanation see: What is web 2.0?

Web page

A Web page is a document, typically written in HTML and viewable by anyone connected to the Internet with a Web browser. The document is almost always accessible via HTTP, a protocol that transfers information from the Web server to display in the user’s Web browser. This information in the document may include navigation to other webpages via hypertext links.

Web site

A Web site consists of a “page”, or a collection of pages, containing text, pictures, links for downloading games, music or software and sound and video clips. Web sites can be news sites, educational sites, online stores, blogs (online diaries) and there are many other types of Web sites.

There are literally millions of sites on the Web, which can be accessed using a Web “browser.” Some popular web browsers are Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome. Your kids can enjoy a variety of entertaining and educational websites but there are also numerous Web sites containing pornography, hate, violence and illegal and dangerous content and activities. Online child safety solutions such as PureSight PC can help you protect your children by blocking undesirable content.

One of the dangers on the Web is the danger of violation of your children’s privacy either from commercial sites that ask for personal information, or when kids themselves post personal information or photos online.

With millions of pages already published, and thousands more being posted every day, finding accurate online information can be a difficult task. Since anyone can publish their views online, the Web contains a great deal of inaccurate and misleading information. Studies show that young people tend to believe that what they see online is true, so it’s important to teach your kids to question what they read online.

Windows Live Messenger

Windows Live Messenger (formerly MSN Messenger) was a popular instant messaging program created by Microsoft. The program was originally released as MSN Messenger in 1999 and as Windows Live Messenger in 2005.

Registered users create a profile with personal information and a contacts list of approved friends (other registered users of the program) with whom they can chat when both parties are online. Kids use it as an easy to use, free, and convenient communication tool and in some instances it has replaced the telephone. Although much of the communication is innocent and serves social purposes, cyberbulllying can be a serious issue with kids sending offensive and insulting messages in order to bully other kids. It is important to remember that a contact’s name or information can be entirely false, so this type of information should be treated with caution. Someone posing as a 14 year-old teenage girl can in actuality be a 45 year old male.

Another interesting phenomenon associated with Windows Live Messenger and other instant messaging programs is the development of an entire new written language of communication that includes abbreviations (BRB= be right back), substitution of graphics for letters or words (<3 = heart or love) or letters that sound like words (4 sure = for sure). See here for a glossary of shorthand definitions.

Besides online chatting and instant messaging Windows Live Messenger offers the following additional features: photo sharing, sharing folders, PC-to-phone calls, offline messaging, games and applications and others.

Windows Live Messenger has been discontinued and replaced by Skype.


WiFi (short for “wireless fidelity”) is used for connecting devices like PCs and Smartphones to the internet without wires, through a wireless network. Wi-Fi technology is becoming popular as an alternative to a wired LAN at the home or in the office.

The WiFi signal can reach a few close rooms and up to several hundred meters. Many restaurants, airports and other public places offer Wi-Fi free of charge to their customers.



YouTube is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips. Everyone can watch videos on YouTube, and you do not need to be a registered user to do so, but registered users can upload and share an unlimited number of videos, save favorites, create playlists, and comment on videos. The YouTube service is free and is supported by advertising.

YouTube was created in February 2005 and bought by Google Inc In November 2006, and is now operated as an independent subsidiary of Google.

YouTube uses Adobe Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short original videos. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by members of the public, although media organizations including CBS and the BBC offer some of their material via the site.

Although YouTube prohibits the distribution of pornography, much questionable content is available on the site, where it can be easily accessed by anyone. In addition, YouTube has become a semi-forum as videos that are published raise comments from registered users. Some of these can include inappropriate or violent language.

YouTube’s features include:

  • Video embedding: Users can insert a YouTube video into Facebook and MySpace accounts, blogs, or other Web sites where anyone can watch them
  • Public or private videos: Users can select whether they want to broadcast their videos publicly or share them privately with friends and family
  • Subscriptions: Users are able to keep track of their favorite users’ new videos
  • Record from Webcam: Users with a webcam and Flash software are able to directly record video responses or normal videos onto the site rather than having to prerecord and then upload the video

According to YouTube:

  • Over 800 million unique users visit YouTube each month
  • Over 3 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube
  • 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute
  • 100 million people take a social action on YouTube (likes, shares, comments, etc) every week
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